Wednesday, November 26, 2008

God is a Consuming Fire

A WORD IN SEASON ~ God is a Consuming Fire
by Patricia Hamel ~ November 26, 2008

I am shaking, I am breaking and I am moulding you into My image. The fire of My Spirit is hot and the work that is being done in you is a lasting work. Call on Me to change you into My image. Desire to be like Me. I am an all consuming fire and will burn up all that is not of Me in your life. There is a cost to following Me with all your heart and it is the price that I paid on the earth. Men shall despise you for My name sake. You shall be persecuted for righteousness and have men say things falsely against you. Rejoice that you are enduring in trial and that you are walking as an overcomer. Do not doubt that I can keep you but know My keeping power. What the enemy means for evil I will turn for good and My all consuming fire is burning out the dross in your life. You are being transformed into My image and you will move from glory to glory as you become more and more like Me.

For our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29 (NKJV)