Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Enemy Of Best Is Good!

The Enemy Of Best Is Good!

Many are called to the place of deep intercession but few
find it! You are called to this place in this hour and know
that it is My plan for your life. Fellowship with man is
draining but fellowship with Me truly satisfies. Even time
online with others seems good but it can never be allowed
to take time away from Me. You are called into My presence
the deep presence of the Spirit of God.

Softly and tenderly I am calling and wooing you to come aside
and enjoy My presence. I am calling you to fight battles for
Nations. You are called to fight for My people and declare
My Word into the earth. I am calling you into that deep place
of intercession that few ever find. They do not find it because
they are not willing to pay the price. I see your heart and know
that you are willing to pay it. Call on Me and I will answer you.
You have found favor in My sight.

You will fulfil this calling in your life and all else will be
centered around this precious time with Me. All ministry will
flow from the centre of My will for as you spend this quality
time with Me you will indeed be in the center of My will.

Hear Me, for softly and tenderly I am calling you and saying,
come My daughter come into the presence of your King.
Come beloved of mine come and I will spread a table before you
in the presence of your enemies.

The enemy of best is good so never settle for less than I have
for you, says the Lord.