Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Are You Watering Down My Word?

Are You Watering Down My Word?
through Patricia Hamel

I am looking for those that will speak the truth in love. It is time to speak the truth every man with his neighbor.My Word is truth and in it is no darkness. I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but by Me. It is time that the truth be spoken for there is another gospel being preached. It is a watered down word that is not My gospel. It speaks of unity but deletes truth. I say to you that there is no unity without the truth that is in My Word. My Word cannot be sacrificed to pacify man. Search your hearts you that preach My Word. Are you presenting the whole gospel of Christ?

Are you speaking all of My word or are you diluting it? Search your heart for you will one day give an account for what you preach. You will give an account for the watering down of My Word. My Word will not be watered down without consequence. Search the scriptures and know Me. Search the scriptures and find life. Search My Word diligently for out of it flow the issues of life. Seek Me while I may be found. I will not be found by those that take away from My Word. Hear Me when I speak. I am the Lord and I would have the whole counsel of God spoken in this hour. Men are lost and dying because they are not hearing that they need to forsake their sin. Men are dying in their sins because they are not told the whole truth. There is a cost in serving Me. It will cost you everything to follow Me. Take up your cross and follow Me. Take it up today and come to the truth for it will set you free. Preach that I open prison doors. Preach that I set the captives free. Preach the truth that I heal today. Preach the truth without fear of man for this is the gospel that I died for and it will set men free. Preach the cross and Christ crucified. Preach the truth that it will cost men everything to follow Me. Follow Me.