Friday, February 27, 2009

Prophets, Speak Without Fear of Man

Prophets, Speak Without Fear of Man
by Patricia Hamel

I am calling My servants the prophets to speak My Words without fear of man. It is time to speak My words in love. Do not candy coat My words but speak the Word of the Lord just as I speak it into your spirit. Hear what I am saying and speak the Word of the Lord without candy coating it. The time is here and the hour is short and I am returning soon for a church without spot or wrinkle. How can My people be changed into My image if they do not hear My Words without a true ring to it. It must have the scarlet threat throughout My Word and I am calling My prophets to speak and declare the whole consul of God. Do not water down My Words. Do not sell My Word but honor Me and walk softly before Me, listen to Me and then speak the truth in love.

You have been chosen to speak for Me so do not speak with a forked tongue but speak and declare the Word of the Lord. Speak it clearly,
speak it concisely and speak just what I give you and no more. You are declaring My Word to a people that are in need of lovingly being corrected and there are course changes necessary that will effect the very destiny of people and nations. Fulfill your calling without fear of man for I have called you to speak the Word of the Lord.