Monday, October 13, 2008

Arise From Your Comfortable Pew

The day of the comfortable pew is over.
It is a new day.
This is a day of change and a day of great
shaking in the earth.
I am shaking all that can be shaken and I
am shaking you and removing all that is not
of Me.

Rejoice in the shaking. Rejoice in the trials.
Rejoice in the tribulation. Rejoice and be
exceedingly glad for it is your Father that is
working a lasting work in your heart.

Rejoice that the powers of heaven are being
shaken and rejoice that My hand is lovingly
working in your life. This is a time of great
awakening and a time of great sleep. I am
moving and shaking My church to get them
ready for My returning. I am returning for a
bride that is beautiful, pure, lovely and totally

It is through the purification process that you
are being awakened to eternal life.
This awakening is not without cost. Esther
paid the price and all of those that are a part
of the true bride of Christ will be willing to
pay the price in serving Me.

Arise and shine My beloved bride.
Rejoice, rejoice and again I say rejoice
for the day of My coming is at hand.

The hour is late. The church needs
to awaken to all that I have for her and come
out of her slumber. Arise from your slumber
and sleep and let the light of the Lord be shed
in your heart.

Arise My beloved and allow Me to shine
through you. Arise My lovely bride
for I paid the price for you. Arise and shine
for behold your Bridegroom comes soon.