Thursday, April 5, 2012

Discerning Your Season! by Apostle Adrienne Williams

Discerning Your Season!

People of God, it is so vital that we learn how to KNOW, without a doubt, when our seasons are changing (individually). We must obtain the discernment to KNOW when a season ends (according to GOD and NOT our own "fleshly" desires) and when a new season begins!

While God does, indeed, deal with us corporately sometimes concerning matters, it is imperative that we KNOW when He is dealing with us INDIVIDUALLY and be careful NOT to attempt to apply our individual seasonal changes AND instructions to the whole body!

God is a Master Orchestrator and knows how to "arrange" the body to work in harmony! He may speak to one vessel and tell them to speak on His behalf (for a season), however, He may speak to the next vessel and tell them to be quiet (for a season). He may have one vessel held in a season of preparation for ministry while, at the same time, sending another vessel to minister in areas where others may not yet be prepared to go.

If God, SPECIFICALLY, instructs YOU (individually) to do something but everybody else IS NOT doing what God instructed YOU do, that DOES NOT, mean that everybody else is being disobedient. That just means that God may be dealing with some things IN THE VESSEL THAT HE SPOKE THE INSTRUCTIONS TO in an effort to bring them into greater knowledge, OBEDIENCE and understanding of who HE is, who THEY are IN HIM and what He expects of them. In other words, He is perfecting the vessel.

Understand that YOUR season MAY NOT be the same season that everybody is in so it can not be used to govern OR judge the whole. WHATEVER set of instructions that YOU hear, just BE SURE that it IS God and then OBEY what He has spoken. For it is impossible to get to the next season without "going through" the season that He has you in presently! KNOW YOUR SEASON!

Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams