Sunday, February 14, 2010

Word Of The Lord For His Church


The hour is late and My people need to discern the times and the seasons. It is time to take a stand for righteousness. Even now the enemy is pulling the strings behind those that are in authority over you.Take heed and redeem the time for the days are evil. You are going to need a fresh infilling of My Spirit daily to stand in this level of warfare. You are going to need to fast and pray and deny your flesh the creature comforts of this life. Did I not say that only those that would be willing to lose their life for My sake would find it? Seek Me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. The hour is late, pray, pray, pray for those that are lost to come into the Kingdom. There is yet much to be revealed to those that are willing to take time with Me. I am going to reveal myself in a much deeper way to those that will spend time in My presence. I do nothing without revealing My plans to My servants the prophets. Prophet of God nothing else matters but time in My presence that you might give out to My people.

I am building My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Take heed prophets of God and come into the prayer closet for the battle is being taken to a new level and with each new level there is a new level of the enemy to fight. Take heed and do only that which I have spoken to you. Wait on Me and release only that Word that I have spoken in My timing. There is a set time and I will reveal the timing in all that you are called to do. There is a season for all things. Come into the presence of the Lord. Call on Me! Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me. Follow only Me. Many voices are speaking and clamoring to be heard and you will need to be still and hear the voice of the Lord. Indeed I am speaking to My Church. I am speaking to her and she needs to listen to Me. Many are not feeding on the Word to any degree and perish for lack of knowledge. I am calling you that bear My name to enter into a study of the Word of God. You will glean much and be fortified in the days to come as you spend time with Me. I am speaking and doing a cleaning in My house.

The hour is here when I will shut the door of those churches whose leadership do not walk a repentant walk. Repent for the day of the Lord is at hand! Repent and do your first works and let Me be your first love! I would be your first love. Turn to Me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. Turn to Me the author and finisher of your faith and I will give you new strength and My life will pour through you. I am the vine and you are the branches and without Me you can do nothing. Call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved. Call on the name of the Lord and allow Me to do a work in your life. Call on Me and let Me sanctify you wholly for no man will see the Lord if they do not walk in holiness before Me. Now is the time! Now is the time to come to Me! Behold I come quickly, come.

February 14, 2010
through Patricia Hamel