Monday, September 15, 2008

You Can Stand in the Storm

The tests and trials you are going through are for your
good. You are being perfected and you need to let
patience have her perfect work in you. I am doing a
deep work and a work that will last in your life. You
are standing and I am teaching you to stand amidst the
storms of life. Indeed there are storms in the natural
and storms in the spiritual and I am teaching you to
battle them. Stand strong my beloved and know that I will
not allow you to be tested and tried beyond that you are able
without a way out that you can bear it. Again stand strong
in My Word. Be instant in prayer and see if I do not pour out
a blessing on you as you stand tall and strong in Me. Your
strength is not in yourself but will be found only as you lean
upon Me. Lean on Me.