I AM Your Answer
through Patricia Hamel
Days of great darkness are now here and so it shall be until the coming of the Lord.
Draw close to Me and seek Me with your whole heart.
The world will be crying out for a savior and will not find one till they turn their hearts to Me.
Many are called but few will choose to serve Me because hearts are dark and evil.
Draw ever closer to Me daily as you see the day approaching and you will find peace in your heart.
Do not allow the enemy to bring fear but keep the peace of God in your heart.
I Am the prince of peace and it is only as you truly know Me that your hearts be free from fear.
It is the tool of the enemy in this hour to make the child of God fear but I say to you that
you can be free of fear as you walk closely with Me.
I am the prince of peace and your answer to that which bombards you daily.
Come close to Me.
Draw near to Me.
Know Me and not just about Me.
Come and seek Me now while I may be found and put your head on My breast
while you work.
You will find peace and rest in your soul today as you totally trust in Me.
The prince is peace is calling and saying come to Me today
as I alone will give you peace.