Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Intercession For Leaders of Nations

Intercession For Leaders of Nations
Patricia Hamel

I have called you to pray for leaders of nations. You will pray for their protection. It is the mantel placed upon you to pray for those in authority over you. Do not take your freedoms for granted for they are no stronger that those in authority over you. You need to pray diligently for those that are in authority that you will live a quiet,peaceful and Godly life. The Nations of the earth are crying out. They are crying out for a leader that will bring peace. This will bring about the new world order. You need to tell My people that they need to pray. People of God need to arise and pray without ceasing. Your mandate is to pray. Your mandate is the prayer closet. You are My prophetic intercessor called to change circumstances in Nations. Be diligent, be wise,call on My name for the nations. You will dream dreams of situations you need to pray for. Your will have visions of leaders in need. Call on Me and seek My face and see if I do not change circumstances by your intercession. Did I not say, I looked around for an intercessor and did not find one. I have found one in you. I am speaking as a Father who sees your potential in Christ more than you see your full value and worth. Take the Sword of the Lord, enter into the prayer chamber and wield it and intercede for the issues I lay before you. You are that prophetic intercessor called by Me, says the Lord.