Friday, March 20, 2009

Turn Your Eyes to Jerusalem

Turn Your Eyes to Jerusalem
through Patricia Hamel

My plans and purposes will be done in Israel. I will move to bring My purposes to pass. Hearts will be touched and key players will be moved into place to bring about My will and purposes for My people. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem because My Word says pray. Pray for My people to see the truth. Pray for scales to be removed from eyes at the right moment.Pray for people everywhere to turn their eyes on My Holy City which is not at this point in time holy. Pray that intercessors pray My Words alone so that My plans and purposes come to pass. Pray that those in government bend their will to mine and that the purposes and the plans of the enemy are
thwarted against My people.

I am touching many hearts but there are those that have battle plans arrayed against the apple of My eye. Their plans will be thwarted in the end and I will return with a sword in My mouth and obliterate them from the earth. My plans were declared for My people from the beginning of time and they shall surely come to pass. I have a plan and it is that My people will know that I alone am their Messiah. I am speaking in many ways to them now and will continue to speak. Their eyes will be opened in My perfect timing.

My love for My people has endured much and My heart cries out at their plight. How I long for the day when they will truly know Me from the least to the greatest. How I long as a Father for them to know Me. How I long as a Bridegroom that all people everywhere know Me as their soon coming King. The burden of your heart will increase. Keep your eyes on Me and look toward Jerusalem. See the signs of the end for they shall quickly come to pass.

Lift up your head for your redemption draws nigh. Pray for My purposes to be done. Pray My Word and I will give you key scriptures to pray at this time. Time is crucial use it wisely in your intercession. Keep the leaders in your intercession and pray that they will do My will on earth as it is in heaven. I have placed within your heart a love for My people. Press in and pray for them that My will be done and the enemies plans thwarted.I will have My way in Israel and the Nations of the earth for I alone am the Lord.