Great Awakening, Great Deception
through Patricia Hamel
With a great awakening also comes great deception such as man has never before seen. I am speaking of deception that has infiltrated and will continue to infiltrate the church. The enemy has established himself there and it is only by the discerning of spirits that His presence will be detected. Pray for the discerning of spirits that will reveal his presence. If it were possible even the very elect would be fooled. I say to you that you will not be fooled but your discernment will grow sharper each day. I will sharpen you and you will know what is of Me and what is not of Me. I will teach you as you sit at My feet. Come to My Word and accept it as the final authority for I speak through My Word and My Spirit will always be in agreement with it. Listen for the still small voice that never speaks contrary to the Word of God. Be sensitive to the leading of My Spirit and I will teach you, says the Lord.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24