The Hidden Life Of The Prophet

The Hidden Life Of The Prophet

The prophet of necessity must stand back and have few friends. His or her first love will be Jesus the author and finisher of their faith. Need necessitates it and the Lord wills that your deepest friendship is with Him. Your flesh at times will cry out to be the social butterfly but you must curb it. I am guarding your time and life in My hands. You will minister and then step back into My presence again. Do not think it strange, but understand the life of the prophet. It is one spent in obscurity with the Lord and being brought into the limelight at His calling.

You will often be alone with Me and not even desire great fellowship with man. I have made you this way so that you will be desperate for Me. Your life is in My hand and I will use you, but not as I use others. You are unique and wholly mine and I will not share you for too long without pulling you back for a greater revelation of myself. I will then send you out on assignment as that gift to the body of Christ. I will fill you and use you and then you must come back to the secret place of the most high for fellowship and refreshing. You will spend much time flying higher for food for My people and this alone necessitates the silent life of a prophet. Soar higher prophet of God. Dig deeper into My Word and seek Me. Fellowship with Me and love me above all else prophet of God for in doing this you will be serving Me.

And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. Isaiah 45:3