The Prophetic Office
through Patricia Hamel
Walking in the prophetic office will bring about many changes
in your life.Belief systems will continually be challenged.
You will be used to destroy the religious spirit and pull it
down in many lives. You will live, move,and have your being
in Me and be totally consumed by Me. Already you see
things shaking and being released to Me. Desires will change
and I will be your only purpose in life.
You will suffer as you see those in the church system still
bound and long for them to be free. You will lay hands on
the sick and they shall recover. The recovery will be quick.
You will walk through doors that are Divine appointments,
enter into new territory and destroy the works of the enemy.
The gospel will be preached.
You will minister to Me. You will sit at My feet and hear My
plans for the church. You will digest them and share some
with My people as I lead you. You will prophesy with the
anointing and speak words that will break the powers of
darkness. You will declare a thing and it shall come to
pass,I will reveal your boundaries and and give you dreams
and visions that will be used for My Kingdom glory.
Daily the discerning of spirits will continue to be
sharpened. You will be a hidden weapon in My hand,
sharpened for My purposes. You are a gift to My body
and a sharp sword that will cut through much territory.
Be prepared to move when I say move and move out
when I speak. Receive those in need and do exploits in
My name. My power will flow through you to touch the
lives of others. You will touch lives others cannot
touch and bring glory to My name.
The heavens will shake when they hear My name and the
earth will tremble as you call forth things that are not
as though they are and decree them in the earth. Fear not,
only fear Me the Lord your God. Walk in reverence and
fear only Me. My love will sustain you and be like
honey. It will hold you at the roughest of times.
You will carry My cross daily and follow Me. In taking up
your cross you will plough new territory for My Kingdom.
You shall help bring in the harvest and teach others
about Me. The teaching anointing is arising and you will
teach with a depth you never thought possible. You will
look inside and know this is the Lord your God. I will
flow through you to others and the healing balm of Gilead
will touch the most downcast of souls. They will be
touched and healed and joy and peace will be your portion.
In forsaking all to follow Me new doors will open.
Kingdom finances will be provided and even flow. You will
be used to bring in many lives. The Kingdom of God is
within you. Preach, teach,prophesy and cast out devils
in My name. Freely you have received,freely give.