God's War Room
by Patricia Hamel
Battleplans are being drawn up by the Lord himself and you are to follow them in fighting your battles. Your weapons are not carnal but
mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. The Lord will reveal to you what weapon to use and how to keep it in good condition for use. Your weapons of warfare must be kept ready at all times. This is not a time for slackness but a time for diligence. God is saying, "to diligently seek Him and that He will be found when you seek Him with your whole heart". The war room of heaven is busy preparing for the greatest of all battles against the onslaught of the enemy. As you bring your petitions to the Lord even that simple prayer is heard in God's war room. Remember in God's army there are soldiers and there are generals and that you need to know where you stand in the body of Christ. You can only function effectively if you know who you are and where you are to function.
Hearing Me will reveal My plans to and for you. Spend much time at My feet and put aside the sins that so easily beset you. Many of you spend too much time in front of the television set and it has become your god. Put away this god for it will not satisfy and only burn you in the end. Many of you spend too much time online doing things that do not satisfy. Many of you have been snared by the sin online and on the television and need to repent and be set free.
I am speaking to those of you that want to remain in the army of God.
Even now there is a seperating going on and the wheat is being seperated from the chaff. Choose this day to serve Me and be blessed or choose the ways of this world and be cursed. The laws of sowing and reaping are written in My Word. Choose the blessings of the Lord and live.
Shall not the son and daughter of God do right. Will you tell Me who formed you what to do. Many of you serve Me on your terms. You look at me as an old father who is sitting in a rocking chair and not as the King and King and Lord of Lords. Read My Word and then you will know Me. I am the one who set the universe into being. I hold life and death and the keys to hell in My hand. I hold all power and will not give My glory to another.
It is time for there is a sorting of My Kingdom going on and the enemy is battling for souls. Do not allow your soul to be taken because you played too long in the enemys camp. Come out of your sin and turn your life over to Me. I want all of your heart and not just the portion that you give to Me. It is time to repent of sin and lay all on the altar.
What you give to Me will be given back to you now and in the Kingdom to come.
Be a wise steward of what I have given to you and redeem your time because the days are evil. Line up with My Word hear My battle plans and then take action to correct that which is wrong in you life.
Take heed and do not doubt that I speak and that I am the Lord.
Take heed and allow Me to lovingly help you to clean up your life.
You have much to be done and it will require diligence on your part to bring into line all that you have let slip.
Great wisdom is required and you need to come to Me daily and avail yourself of it. The Spirit of wisdom and revelation is available for those who will take time to hear. Love My wisdom like a sweetheart
and live at the well that does not run dry.
Come those of you who are hungry and thirsty and come now and drink from the waters of life and you will thirst no more.
Come today and repent of your sin.
I Jesus am calling and say come to your Father. Prodigal come home and I will not cast you out. The choice is yours. Choose to walk away from you sin and enter in to the joy of your Lord.