Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Voice Of The Prophet by Apostle Adrienne Williams

The Voice Of The Prophet

People of God, in this season and time, you will begin to see the voice of the prophet tempered (adjusted or attuned by the addition of a counterbalancing element; moderated or measured) like never before! Because there have been so many UNRULY prophets (in the past AND presently) who have refused (for whatever reason) to allow themselves to be taught concerning "how" to properly administer their gift on behalf of Heaven, their words will become few (if any)!

God has revealed unto me that there is a very specific word from the Lord that is coming from eternity into the earth realm VERY SOON that will cause an automatic Heavenly paradigm of thinking in the minds of those who hear it IMMEDIATELY upon hearing. However, the weight of the word itself AND the responsibility of delivering this word WILL NOT come by the mouths of those vessels who have continued to speak carnally and in any old manner concerning the things of God and then blamed their behavior as being God! Their ability to draw "like kind" to endorse and agree with their manner of operation has caused them to stray further from being our Father's mouthpiece than they realize!

If you are indeed a prophetic messenger, NOW is the time to examine your method of functionality if you desire to continue to be used by God. (Of course, this should be applicable to all ascension gift functionaries!) However, on this day and at this particular moment, God is truly concerned about the prophets. Because of the word that He is sending into the earth, He needs CLEAN and OBEDIENT prophetic vessels ONLY as an unruly prophet would truly proceed to mangle, distort and cause the demise of the AUTHENTICITY of that which God is saying!

Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams