Word For America
through Patricia Hamel
May 14, 2009
It is is time, It is time, It is time,
America I am calling you to repentance.
I am knocking at the door of your heart.
Will you let Me come in? I am invading
your privacy America. I am invading your
heart. I see into your heart America. I
see into the deep recesses and know what
lies in you. America, America, will you
let Me search your heart.The Spirit of
God is wooing you America.Come now
America and come back to your first love.
America, America, come to Me before it
is too late.
I Am calling you, I Am calling you,
I Am calling you. The great I Am is
calling you to repent.How long will you
wait America? How long will you wait
fathers and mothers to turn your children
toward Me? How long will you wait in
secret while I stand at your door knocking?
Open your doors and let Me come in?
America, America, big business has you
in its hold. Resist it, resist it and let
Me hold you instead. Let Me hold you in My
arms and be you provision and your right
arm. I will provide all you need America
if you will give your all to Me. America,
America, come to Me.Leaders of America,
come to Me.Leaders in the church come
to Me in repentance. America I have not
found your works perfect before Me.
You are lukewarm America, and I would
rather that you were hot or cold lest
I spew you out of My mouth.
America arise and shine once again before
the Nations of the world. Take your place
America as one that loves Me. Take your
place as one that loves the Lord Jesus Christ.
America I beseech you to come to Me before
it is too late.
I have wooed and I have drawn and My
judgments have not commenced. Will you come
to Me and have mercy instead of judgment?
America I do not want to continue to judge
you.Turn to Me and I will cover your sins
and though they be as scarlett they shall
be white as snow. America you shall be
washed in the blood of the Lamb if you repent.
You shall be cleansed from your iniquities.
They shall be remembered no more America.
Repent, repent, repent and I shall heal your