Prophet of God Soar High
I am raising up prophetic voices in this hour. There will
be those that will speak for Me and My voice has a
distinct sound. Listen for the voice of My Spirit. I
will speak through those that are willing to be used by
Me. Are you willing to speak only My Words and deliver
the Word when it is not always palitable to My people?
I am raising up those that will speak the Word of the
Lord regardless of the cost.
My Words will not always be what man wants to hear but
they will be what many need to hear. The voice of the
Lord is a voice without compromise and yet there will be
the love of God flowing through the Word. It will at
times be a sharp Word but it will always be tempered
with the love of God. I will speak to edify, exort and
comfort but there will be those times that I speak
words of direction and confirmation to My church.
I will confirm My Words with signs following to those
that will believe. Those that believe My Word without
doubt will speak those words without compromise.
A true prophet will not be bought by man but will only
seek to please their Lord and Master.Seek to please Me
and do not look for the approval of man. This will
bring a snare to the work of ministry so do not be
snared with the need of mans approval.Desire the
approval of your Lord and it is to Him that you will
give an account. Seek to be a God pleaser and not a
man pleaser. I did not many mighty works in My own
town because of unbelief and you are no greater than
your Master.
If they disapproved of Me they shall disapprove of you.
They said I had a devil when I was the Son of God in
their midst. Do you think they shall do less to you?
Have faith in Me that I will carry you through to the
end. I am Alpha and Omega and soon will make an end
to all things.
The river of God will begin to flow through you with
new life. The river of God will flow through the
prophet that spends time with Me. Come aside and allow
the life of My Spirit to flow through you. Newness and
freshness will come. With it will come clarity
about many things and the discerning of spirits will
be honed sharp in the prophet that sits at My feet.
It is necessary to see through the eyes of My Spirit
and not through your own eyes and much time is needed
with Me to have your eyes sharp like that of the
eagle I have called you to be. You are an eagle and
must soar high to get your food.Do not settle with
food that is mediocre but only settle for the best
food to feed My people.
Prophet of God soar high. Soar like the eagle that
I have called you to be. Take My Sword and cut
through all that stops you from soaring high above
all, that is coming against you. Soar prophet soar
and fly higher than you ever though possible. The river
is flowing through you and it will flow unstopped as
you soar higher in the Lord your God.
Settle for nothing less than the best I have for you
and be diligent for the enemy is seeking to devour
you. Be on your guard and stand guard in the Spirit
for your loved ones. Stand on guard and stand with
your spiritual antennae alert to the sounds around
you. Be alert, be vigilant and stand in the power of
My Spirit.
Delight yourself in Me and I shall bring all things
that I have spoken to you to pass says the Lord.