The Discerning of Spirits
God is saying that not everything that glitters is gold.
Do not look on the outward appearance but judge righteous
judgment. This hour calls for the discerning of spirits
to be in operation in your life. You need to hear the
voice of My Spirit and this takes time sitting at My feet.
There are sounds of My Spirit and these are distinct sounds.
Hear the voice of My Spirit by sitting with Me and then
you will know the sound of the enemy. It is time to
discern, discern, discern. Know what My Spirit is saying
to the church,Know how I am moving in this hour.
I am speaking and I am moving and I am touching lives.
There will be lasting fruit to what I am doing. It is
not fruit that will shrivel and die. Take time to hear
My still small voice.I am speaking to you to discern,
discern, discern. This discernment will come out of
reading My Word,seeking My face and not walking in the
ways of this world. Again I say to you church,discern,
discern, discern. When you know the real, you will
know the counterfeit. Take time to know Me and pray
for the discerning of spirits to be honed sharp in
your life. Again I say to you,do not go on the outward
appearance but discern what the Spirit is doing in this
hour and you will not be deceived. Deception is rampant.
The enemy is clamoring for attention. Do not give it to
Him but spend time with me and discern what I the Lord
am doing in My church.I am coming quickly for a church
that will discern the voice of My Spirit and the
testimony of Jesus is spirit of all true prophesy. I
am coming and this is the hour to walk with discernment,
says the Lord.