Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Esther Anointing

The Esther Anointing
through Patricia Hamel

You will minister out of the Esther anointing. It is one of wisdom,
love and compassion. You will touch many with My hands. I will
work through you and people shall receive of the Lord great
blessing in their inner most being. They shall be released from
their shackles and begin to flow with new life. The enemy seeks
to stop you by throwing all of life’s little irritations at you.
Be on guard and vigilant in this hour. Do not be distracted
with the little things but see the bigger picture. See with My
eyes My end time plan for those that I have placed in your
sphere of influence. See with My eyes but also hear with My
ears the sound of the Lord. I am moving even though you do
not yet see the full plan. Does one in battle, reveal the
battle plan too far ahead of time. No they do not, else the
enemy would counteract their plans. In good time My plans
will be revealed. Now is the season to press into My
presence and come deeper and hear what I am saying to you.
Guard it in your heart and ponder My Words but keep them
within you. You will see much. You will hear much. I
reveal My plans to My servants the prophets. Be diligent
in intercession. Speak My Words for they are life when
spoken in the spirit. They take on life and put on form
as does every word that you speak. My Word is alive so
study to be like your Master. Eat My Words and taste
them for they are like honey to your soul. Heavenly
manna for present day living. Devour it once and eat it
again for it will bring sweetness to your soul. My yoke is
easy and My burden light.

I see your struggles. I see it all. I am a rewarder of
those that diligently seek Me. Diligently seek Me laying
all else aside. I am a warrior and you are like your
Lord. I war and will make war on those that come against
you. Know that I will repay and you will only have to
bless those that hate you. I am standing with you in
your quiet place and vengeance is mine, says the Lord.

People do not realize the laws of sowing and reaping.
They are My Word. Sow life receive life. Sow to the
Spirit and live. Come today and enter into the joy
of your Lord. I open prison doors so pray for your
loved ones. I encamp angels around those that fear Me.
I am just and the just shall live by faith. Walk in
faith and as a grain of mustard seed seeing your
potential in Christ. There is no limit in your
God. You will grow and flourish and stand tall in
your God. Arise and shine today and see what I will
do in your life.

The present battle is small in comparison to what
will come so prepare your weapons for war. Pray in
tongues as much as you can pressing in like Paul
till you can say I thank God I speak in tongues
more than them all. Press in for there is victory
in using your prayer language. Most are lazy and
do not know the power of My Spirit. It brings
victory, revelation and above all My presence.
Read My Word and study to show yourself approved
to God. Put on the full armor of God so that you
might be ready and instant in season and out.
Redeem the times for the days are evil.
Rejoice evermore and pray without ceasing. Come
and enter into the presence of the King. Softly
and tenderly I am calling you. Come and enter
into the joy of your salvation.