God Is Setting Things In Order
through Patricia Hamel
The Lord is saying that things that have been out of order
are being set into order. He is moving on your behalf to
bring all things into line with His Word. Fear not but trust
that I am able to do above all you could ever ask or hope
for. I the Lord am able to move mountains to get you
where you need to be for My Divine purposes. There are
things that I will do that will totally surprise you and do
not be surprised but delighted that as I moved on Esther's
behalf I shall move on yours. I the Lord will also do it
and things are being worked out now for My glory. Praise
Me, worship Me for there is power in praise to move My
hand for I am indeed in the midst of your praises. How I
delight to hear My name reverenced when you stand in
awe of Me. How I delight when you come close to Me
and know that I am your Father. Yes, I am Father to the
Fatherless and to the widow and I am your Father who
will never forsake or leave you.