Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Esther Anointing

The Esther Anointing
through Patricia Hamel

You will minister out of the Esther anointing. It is one of wisdom,
love and compassion. You will touch many with My hands. I will
work through you and people shall receive of the Lord great
blessing in their inner most being. They shall be released from
their shackles and begin to flow with new life. The enemy seeks
to stop you by throwing all of life’s little irritations at you.
Be on guard and vigilant in this hour. Do not be distracted
with the little things but see the bigger picture. See with My
eyes My end time plan for those that I have placed in your
sphere of influence. See with My eyes but also hear with My
ears the sound of the Lord. I am moving even though you do
not yet see the full plan. Does one in battle, reveal the
battle plan too far ahead of time. No they do not, else the
enemy would counteract their plans. In good time My plans
will be revealed. Now is the season to press into My
presence and come deeper and hear what I am saying to you.
Guard it in your heart and ponder My Words but keep them
within you. You will see much. You will hear much. I
reveal My plans to My servants the prophets. Be diligent
in intercession. Speak My Words for they are life when
spoken in the spirit. They take on life and put on form
as does every word that you speak. My Word is alive so
study to be like your Master. Eat My Words and taste
them for they are like honey to your soul. Heavenly
manna for present day living. Devour it once and eat it
again for it will bring sweetness to your soul. My yoke is
easy and My burden light.

I see your struggles. I see it all. I am a rewarder of
those that diligently seek Me. Diligently seek Me laying
all else aside. I am a warrior and you are like your
Lord. I war and will make war on those that come against
you. Know that I will repay and you will only have to
bless those that hate you. I am standing with you in
your quiet place and vengeance is mine, says the Lord.

People do not realize the laws of sowing and reaping.
They are My Word. Sow life receive life. Sow to the
Spirit and live. Come today and enter into the joy
of your Lord. I open prison doors so pray for your
loved ones. I encamp angels around those that fear Me.
I am just and the just shall live by faith. Walk in
faith and as a grain of mustard seed seeing your
potential in Christ. There is no limit in your
God. You will grow and flourish and stand tall in
your God. Arise and shine today and see what I will
do in your life.

The present battle is small in comparison to what
will come so prepare your weapons for war. Pray in
tongues as much as you can pressing in like Paul
till you can say I thank God I speak in tongues
more than them all. Press in for there is victory
in using your prayer language. Most are lazy and
do not know the power of My Spirit. It brings
victory, revelation and above all My presence.
Read My Word and study to show yourself approved
to God. Put on the full armor of God so that you
might be ready and instant in season and out.
Redeem the times for the days are evil.
Rejoice evermore and pray without ceasing. Come
and enter into the presence of the King. Softly
and tenderly I am calling you. Come and enter
into the joy of your salvation.

Jesus is Calling!

Jesus is Calling!
through Patricia Hamel

God is raising up His army. This army of God will walk in
love and it will be discerning. The discerning of spirits
will be sharpened in this army and they shall not break
ranks. They shall know their God and they shall know
when things are not of the Lord and they shall see their
enemy up ahead. I am working in My children now and honing
sharp in them the Word of the Lord. I am honing sharp
in them the discerning of spirits. You who are not yet
operating in this gift of the spirit pray that it may be
sharpened in you. You will need to know what I am saying
to you and this will come by sitting at My feet. You
will know the voice of your Father and you shall know
when a sound is heard that does not sound like what you
have learned in coming to know Me. Listen, children,
listen. Listen and be of few words but open the eyes
and ears of your understanding and I will teach you.
I am so willing to give you wisdom if you would ask
for it believing you receive it. Wisdom will keep you
where money will not keep you. You need to know that
I place more value on My children walking wisely than
thembeing rich. True riches are knowing Me and
walking in wisdom towards those that are without.
Redeeming your time for the days are evil. Time is
short and it is time to come to Me and sit at My feet.
There is a wealth of information that I will share
with you that will keep you in the days to come if
you will but come to Me. Come as you are and learn
to put aside that which is not needful. I will give
you more grace to accomplish that which you need to
do in shorter time as you are filled with My Spirit,
says the Lord.

Esther's Your God Is Calling You

Esther's Your God Is Calling You

God is calling you today. He has been knocking at the door of
your heart. He is saying let Me come into every area of your
life. Hold nothing back. I will take your life and turn it around
for My glory if you will but trust Me. Like Esther you have a
divine apointment with Me. Wait on that day for in that time
and season you will be called on to fulfill My work in you. Right
now is your time of preparation for that moment of greatness in
fullfilling your destiny. Do not look at your circumstances but
look at your soon coming King. My eyes are on you my daughters
and I have called you for such a time as this. Wait on Me. Be
willing to wait on Me. You have waited in the natural for that
one in shining armor and found him and yet with time realized
that he could not satisfy your needs. Wait on Me. I am the
only one that can satisfy the deep longing of your soul. The
hurt and pain can only be put in the past as you bring it to
Me. I am so willing to heal your broken heart. I will touch
the deep recesses of your heart and out of that healing you
will touch the lives of others. Out of your pain, deliverance
shall come to many. You will identify with those that suffer
and they shall know that you have walked in their shoes and
understand. How can you touch lives when you have not gone
through your own trials? It is out of those sufferings that
you will minister to others. Trust Me for I am doing a deep
and lasting work in you that in time will touch many more
than you think possible. I, God of the impossible will do
great and mighty works through you. Let Me Work in you.
Continue to love Me and allow Me to pour the healing balm
of Gilead into your heart. You will one day pour it into
others. I have saved the best for last and you will be that
new wine poured fourth to touch the lives of many, says the Lord.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Knowing Your Boundaries

Knowing Your Boundaries
through Patricia Hamel

You have not because you ask not. Ask and I will speak and give
you the answers you are looking for. I hold all the answers and
the wisdom that you need to go forward. I will lead you and
guide you and My strong right arm is your strength. Lean on Me
for all that you need. Lean for I will not break. I am all
strength and all powerful and am great and mighty. I will meet
all your need. My grace is sufficient for you for My strength
is sufficient for you for My strength is made perfect in your
weakness. Your help comes from the name of the Lord that made
heaven and earth. I will lead you and guide you and reveal
the truth needed to do exploits in My name.

I the Lord set boundaries and yours are set for this time.
Knowing them will give you peace of mind to move freely in the
power of My Spirit. I will reveal them to you and you will
know where they begin and where the end. You shall know you
sphere of authority and walk in it adjusting to your new
mantle. I have given it to you but the enemy would seek to rob
you with his lies. Do not receive the lie but know that you
indeed walk as one in that office and are standing tall and
walking in obedience to Me. Know that the enemy fears you
and that is his reason for this attack.

Sit with Me and you will hear from Me quickly. I will define
your boundaries and in time they will be extended. Be
faithful with little and I will give you much. Territorial
spirits need to be removed from your town and you will deal
with them shortly. Bind and loose and do not let up on them
till they are out of commission. Take a stand and once you
do you must not cease and not back down. Go forward with a
militant spirit from Me to take them out for it will open
up the gospel for this town and bring victory and salvation
to many. This assignment is not for the faint of heart so
go forward as I direct you and plunder the camp of the
enemy. Do not let any distractions keep you from this
assignment for it not for the faint of heart. Be diligent
keep your armor on and stand tall where I the Lord have
called you. I the Lord am standing with you prophet of God,
I the Lord am standing with you.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Word Of The Lord For The Church In Mexico

through Patricia Hamel
May 23, 2009

I have been speaking to Mexico and am knocking at
the door of her heart. It is time Mexico for you
to turn your heart toward the living God. Mexico,
Mexico I am calling you to repentance. You have
walked as a nation who has served other gods.
Small god's that are dead and cannot help you.
You are now seeing your need of help. You
are sick Mexico from the inside out. I am calling
you to repentance from the inside out. The least to
the greatest in your nation need Me. The shaking
shall surely stop as you come to Me in full

You are sick with the flu but Mexico it is sign
in the natural of your sin in the Spirit. You are
being shaken and even the earthquakes are Me
speaking to you and showing you that judgment
is on your nation because you have served other
god's. There are those of you that believe in Me.
My precious ones that are in Mexico I have called
you to intercede for your Nation for she stands
in the balance.

Mexico I am knocking at the door of your heart
will your turn from your wickedness. Will you
turn from your lewdness and serve Me. You have
such potential Mexico and I the Spirit of the
Living God am calling you to repentance. You
have much to offer Me in serving others if you
will about face and turn from the dead god's
that you serve to the one true and living God.
Jesus Christ is My name.

Come to Me today and repent and I will surely
forgive you sin and heal your land.The flu will
leave, the earthquakes will cease and you will
be healed. Choose to be healed lest a greater
thing come on you. Mexico repent as a nation
and come.

Come Drink In The River

Come Drink In The River

Warrior of God. Declare My Word. Take the power of the
decree and decree a thing and it shall come to pass.
Speak My Words. There is power in the Spirit as you
declare a thing with your voice. Declare it in song
before Me. Declare the Word of the Lord. Do not hold
back but speak faith filled words that will break
the power of the enemy. Speak in the power of My
Spirit for My Spirit holds life. The resurrection
power of the Lord will flow as you declare My
Word. Put aside all things that do not glorify
the Lord people of God. Put aside all the things
that are mundane and temporal and begin to
concetrate on the things of My Spirit. My Word is
wonderful. Dwell there. Take time to drink. Drink
of the well of living water. You will thirst no
more as you drink of the living waters today. Come
you who are thirsty. Come and drink for it will
cost you nothing. Come and drink of the river of
God. It is flowing come and drink today of the
river of life. It is life everlasting come you who
are thirsty, come and drink. It will give you
refreshing. It will give you new strength. It
will hold you in the battle. It will keep you as
you swim in the river. You need to stay in the
river. Yes, stay in the river. It is dry when
you are not in the river. Come to the river.
You are being called people of God to come to
the river of God. It is flowing from heavens
throne room and is available. See it in the
Spirit and come drink of the river of God.
Praise My name and see what I will do with the
one that will live in the river of life.
Love the river of life and live in it. Put
your feet in today and you shall know its
refreshing. Know the refreshing of the Lord.
Put your feet into the river and walk out
into the middle and swim in My river. It is
there that you shall be satisfied and find
the life that you have been looking for.
See Me for I am the river that is flowing and
you need Me and you will find Me when you
seek Me with your whole heart.

Hear The Sound Of The Army Of The Lord

Hear The Sound Of The Army Of The Lord
through Patricia Hamel

Do you hear the sound of the army of the Lord?
I heard it's sound today. It is preparing for battle and the
Lord is waking His warriors up before the morning to do battle.
He is saying to you it is time to arise before the day break
and do battle. He is saying I have given you a watch and
you need to stand on guard. You affect others by what you
do or do not do and the Lord is calling all His warriors to
arise and stand in the battle. Yes, today, early as I stood
at the window I said in my spirit, I hear the sound of the army
of the Lord. Do you hear the call? Are you busy about your
Fathers business? He is calling you. He is calling you.
Again hear the call for the battle cry is going out. Arise
and man your station for the Lord is calling you. Speak out
declare and decree what the Spirit is saying to the church.
Speak out what the Spirit is saying to your nation. Speak
out what the Spirit is doing and declare the Word of God
that it would manifest in the earth. Hear the cry of the Lord.
He is crying out through His people. You His warrior arise
before dawn and cry out for justice and mercy for the people
of the land. Cry out for peace for it will surely come when I
return. Cry out for the victory is at hand even in the battle.
You will bring in the spoils of the enemy and they shall be
treasure for the work of the Lord. Bring in the spoils from the
enemys camp after you have plundered it and it shall be
sanctified and used for My glory. The time of the end is soon
here. It is not time for slackness. It is not time to stop
laboring but it is a time for confidence in Me and to have
none in yourself. Victory is yours. Do not even think of
defeat for you are walking in the power of My Spirit. I
am never defeated. You are walking in white. There is
power in holiness and it keeps out the enemy. Guard your
eye gate, guard your ear gate, keep holy for Me. I am
going to take you and use you and the mantle I have
placed on you will bring glory to My name. Rejoice
this day. Rejoice. Pray without ceasing this day. Man
your place on your watch and see what I will do, says the
Lord. Am I not God and shall not the King of the earth
do right. Take communion and fellowship with Me. Read
and devor My Word and seek My face for you shall see
Me as you seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with
your whole heart. I shall be praised in the earth for I am
establishing My Kingdom and it is not a Kingdom made
with mans hands. It is a Kingdom made by the Lord God
ruler of heaven and earth. Pray My Kingdom come and
My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

God Is Setting Things In Order

God Is Setting Things In Order
through Patricia Hamel

The Lord is saying that things that have been out of order
are being set into order. He is moving on your behalf to
bring all things into line with His Word. Fear not but trust
that I am able to do above all you could ever ask or hope
for. I the Lord am able to move mountains to get you
where you need to be for My Divine purposes. There are
things that I will do that will totally surprise you and do
not be surprised but delighted that as I moved on Esther's
behalf I shall move on yours. I the Lord will also do it
and things are being worked out now for My glory. Praise
Me, worship Me for there is power in praise to move My
hand for I am indeed in the midst of your praises. How I
delight to hear My name reverenced when you stand in
awe of Me. How I delight when you come close to Me
and know that I am your Father. Yes, I am Father to the
Fatherless and to the widow and I am your Father who
will never forsake or leave you.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Valley Of Decision

The Valley Of Decision

There are multitudes in the valley of decison. There are those that are making decisions on behalf of Israel and are trying to divide My people through the division of their land. This land belongs to Me first and foremost and those that will divide Israel will deal directly with Me, says the Lord. The meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Obama will take place and today is a day of great peril for both the American people and the nation of Israel. My land will not be divided without great cost to those that divide it. The Nations of the earth are wanting this division and many are seeking to remove my people off the face of the land and this shall not happen, says the Lord. I am moving even as this meeting is taking place on their behalf. I am moving by My Spirit and before the end comes all will know that I the Lord have not forgotten the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They shall know that I am the Lord and they shall have their demise in the Valley of Jehosophat. I will return and I will deal with all My enemies, saith the Lord. Pray fervently in intercession that man will line up with My word for surely it shall come to pass and My Kingdom shall be ushered in. The battle is heating up and surely man cannot make a wise and lasting decision for they shall say peace, peace when there is no peace when only I can return and bring peace forever. Look for My returning and not to a world that will soon be gone. The New Jerusalem will descend and forever My Kingdom shall be set up in the earth. Come and reign with Me. In following the ways of My Word you will secure your future now and for eternity.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

God Is Calling You

God Is Calling You
through Patricia Hamel

I am calling you into the inner chamber to spend quality time
with Me.You are called to the secret place of the most high.
It is from that place on the mercy seat that I will speak to
you of My plans for My people. I will speak to you and show
you the battle plans that I have for you to bring forth to
them. I am speaking and my prophets must gently lead but
never push the sheep. You are doing well in that you allow
the freedom of choice to my sheep. Many in this hour
manipulate to make God's children come into obedience
through manipulation. This is not My Spirit, says the Lord.
Man has been given a free will and those that are called
by Me must encourage the body of Christ. When children are
encouraged and lifted up they will listen. It is out of
this that I speak. Alway entreating my children to come
higher. Come higher prophet of God and soar with Me. Come
higher with me into the heavenly realm and spend time
with Me. I am calling you to come higher, soar in the
heavenlies and receive revelation knowledge which shall
feed My sheep and thwart the plans of the enemy. He will
be thwarted with the revelation I speak into your spirit.
He will be thwarted as you write down My revelations and
pray over them. Sending them forth as sharp arrows into
the enemies camp at just the right time. Pray that I will
use you mightily to bring My voice to those in need.
Again discern where I am sending you for there is much
that is not profitable in this hour. There are those
with their own agendas and you must beware not to be
tainted by others that do not have My mindset. Others
that are still drinking old wine and have not shed that
old wineskin and still in the body and have their
religious agendas.Fulfil mine and be refreshed in the
secret place of the most high. Rest this day. Worship Me
and find me for I am waiting for you to drop all and come
running into My presence, says the Lord.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Word For America

Word For America
through Patricia Hamel
May 14, 2009

It is is time, It is time, It is time,
America I am calling you to repentance.
I am knocking at the door of your heart.
Will you let Me come in? I am invading
your privacy America. I am invading your
heart. I see into your heart America. I
see into the deep recesses and know what
lies in you. America, America, will you
let Me search your heart.The Spirit of
God is wooing you America.Come now
America and come back to your first love.
America, America, come to Me before it
is too late.

I Am calling you, I Am calling you,
I Am calling you. The great I Am is
calling you to repent.How long will you
wait America? How long will you wait
fathers and mothers to turn your children
toward Me? How long will you wait in
secret while I stand at your door knocking?
Open your doors and let Me come in?
America, America, big business has you
in its hold. Resist it, resist it and let
Me hold you instead. Let Me hold you in My
arms and be you provision and your right
arm. I will provide all you need America
if you will give your all to Me. America,
America, come to Me.Leaders of America,
come to Me.Leaders in the church come
to Me in repentance. America I have not
found your works perfect before Me.
You are lukewarm America, and I would
rather that you were hot or cold lest
I spew you out of My mouth.

America arise and shine once again before
the Nations of the world. Take your place
America as one that loves Me. Take your
place as one that loves the Lord Jesus Christ.
America I beseech you to come to Me before
it is too late.

I have wooed and I have drawn and My
judgments have not commenced. Will you come
to Me and have mercy instead of judgment?
America I do not want to continue to judge
you.Turn to Me and I will cover your sins
and though they be as scarlett they shall
be white as snow. America you shall be
washed in the blood of the Lamb if you repent.
You shall be cleansed from your iniquities.
They shall be remembered no more America.
Repent, repent, repent and I shall heal your

The Discerning of Spirits

The Discerning of Spirits

God is saying that not everything that glitters is gold.
Do not look on the outward appearance but judge righteous
judgment. This hour calls for the discerning of spirits
to be in operation in your life. You need to hear the
voice of My Spirit and this takes time sitting at My feet.
There are sounds of My Spirit and these are distinct sounds.
Hear the voice of My Spirit by sitting with Me and then
you will know the sound of the enemy. It is time to
discern, discern, discern. Know what My Spirit is saying
to the church,Know how I am moving in this hour.
I am speaking and I am moving and I am touching lives.
There will be lasting fruit to what I am doing. It is
not fruit that will shrivel and die. Take time to hear
My still small voice.I am speaking to you to discern,
discern, discern. This discernment will come out of
reading My Word,seeking My face and not walking in the
ways of this world. Again I say to you church,discern,
discern, discern. When you know the real, you will
know the counterfeit. Take time to know Me and pray
for the discerning of spirits to be honed sharp in
your life. Again I say to you,do not go on the outward
appearance but discern what the Spirit is doing in this
hour and you will not be deceived. Deception is rampant.

The enemy is clamoring for attention. Do not give it to
Him but spend time with me and discern what I the Lord
am doing in My church.I am coming quickly for a church
that will discern the voice of My Spirit and the
testimony of Jesus is spirit of all true prophesy. I
am coming and this is the hour to walk with discernment,
says the Lord.

Prophet of God Soar High

Prophet of God Soar High

I am raising up prophetic voices in this hour. There will
be those that will speak for Me and My voice has a
distinct sound. Listen for the voice of My Spirit. I
will speak through those that are willing to be used by
Me. Are you willing to speak only My Words and deliver
the Word when it is not always palitable to My people?
I am raising up those that will speak the Word of the
Lord regardless of the cost.

My Words will not always be what man wants to hear but
they will be what many need to hear. The voice of the
Lord is a voice without compromise and yet there will be
the love of God flowing through the Word. It will at
times be a sharp Word but it will always be tempered
with the love of God. I will speak to edify, exort and
comfort but there will be those times that I speak
words of direction and confirmation to My church.

I will confirm My Words with signs following to those
that will believe. Those that believe My Word without
doubt will speak those words without compromise.

A true prophet will not be bought by man but will only
seek to please their Lord and Master.Seek to please Me
and do not look for the approval of man. This will
bring a snare to the work of ministry so do not be
snared with the need of mans approval.Desire the
approval of your Lord and it is to Him that you will
give an account. Seek to be a God pleaser and not a
man pleaser. I did not many mighty works in My own
town because of unbelief and you are no greater than
your Master.
If they disapproved of Me they shall disapprove of you.
They said I had a devil when I was the Son of God in
their midst. Do you think they shall do less to you?

Have faith in Me that I will carry you through to the
end. I am Alpha and Omega and soon will make an end
to all things.

The river of God will begin to flow through you with
new life. The river of God will flow through the
prophet that spends time with Me. Come aside and allow
the life of My Spirit to flow through you. Newness and
freshness will come. With it will come clarity
about many things and the discerning of spirits will
be honed sharp in the prophet that sits at My feet.
It is necessary to see through the eyes of My Spirit
and not through your own eyes and much time is needed
with Me to have your eyes sharp like that of the
eagle I have called you to be. You are an eagle and
must soar high to get your food.Do not settle with
food that is mediocre but only settle for the best
food to feed My people.

Prophet of God soar high. Soar like the eagle that
I have called you to be. Take My Sword and cut
through all that stops you from soaring high above
all, that is coming against you. Soar prophet soar
and fly higher than you ever though possible. The river
is flowing through you and it will flow unstopped as
you soar higher in the Lord your God.

Settle for nothing less than the best I have for you
and be diligent for the enemy is seeking to devour
you. Be on your guard and stand guard in the Spirit
for your loved ones. Stand on guard and stand with
your spiritual antennae alert to the sounds around
you. Be alert, be vigilant and stand in the power of
My Spirit.

Delight yourself in Me and I shall bring all things
that I have spoken to you to pass says the Lord.

Hear The Wind Blow

Hear The Wind Blow
through Patricia Hamel

Hear the wind blow. Hear the call of My Holy Spirit.
I am calling you to bring about change in your Nations.
I am calling you to be used to bring forth a Spirit of
repentance on the land. It is only as My people walk
with repentant hearts that they will hear from heaven.
I will heal your land as the Nations bow its heart before Me.
Do not cease to cry out.Do not cease to seek My face,
fast and pray. Do not cease to intercede on behalf of
your land and for the Nation of Israel. I have called
you from the least to the greatest to pray.
I have called you to speak forth My Words. The power of
the decree will change things in the earth today. Speak
the power of the decree and decree My Word. Pray My Word
for it is powerful and sharper than any two edged sword.
It will pierce and prick hearts and prick the hearts of
the leaders of Nations.They will either be for Me or
against Me. Men everywhere will need to make a choice
for the line has been drawn. No more shall men sit on
the fence for I am calling men everywhere to choose
whom they will serve.Choose to serve the Lord with
gladness and walk in the ways of the Lord. Choose to walk
in the power of the Lord God Almighty.It is in choosing
Me that you choose life. Choose life this day and live.
Pray for your leaders.Pray for those in authority
over you. You desire to live a quiet peaceable life
then pray.You want freedom of worship, pray. You want
the laws of your lands changed, pray.Do you truly
think that things will change by sitting on the fence.
No,they shall not change unless My people who are
called by My name change into the image of the Lord
their God.It is time for repentance on a small scale,
and on a large scale. Choose to repent this day and
live, says the Lord.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kingdom Finances

Kingdom Finances
through Patricia Hamel

The day is here when finances are being rearranged for My
Kingdom purposes. Finances in the Kingdom are for My
Kingdom work that the gospel might be preached to the ends
of the earth. Those that can be trusted with great
wealth will find wealth of all kinds put into their hands.
They will be tested with this wealth to see what they will
do with it. When it comes into your hands use it for My
purposes and not for selfish gain. All will be into place
to do My Word before I return. Pray that finances will be
brought in and that those with My heart will distribute
them wisely.

Remember the poor and the widow for My eye is on their
plight and I would have them cared for, says the Lord.

I am searching hearts even now and seeking whom I can
trust. If you have failed in areas of finances, repent.
If you have not been generous to My work. Repent.
If you have not given to Me what is do to Me repent
and come back on track.

This race is not yet over and I am equipping My saints
for the work of ministry in all areas of their life.
Be on guard for the deceiver will seek to have you move
ahead of time, or not soon enough but be seeking My
will and spend time with Me. In doing so you will
discern the times and seasons you are walking in.

There are those that will walk with great wealth,
and there will be those that are poor. Do not
despise one another but bear one anothers burdens
for it all belongs to Me and I would have you to
know the Father's heart.

My heart was for the poor and the multitudes but
My heart also trusted certain men with great riches.
Search your heart for motives in wanting riches.
Know too that they can flee in a night and that no
man can take anything out of this world. You
came into this world without finances and will
go out without them.

Use them wisely and build My Kingdom and desire
My glory for their is nothing that I will not
give to the man who will walk uprightly and who
can be trusted.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
and all things shall be added to you. You will reap
what you sow so sow bountifully in every area of
your life. This does not just pertain to finances
but to all things. Let My love flow and do not shut
your heart to one another but let the anointing
arise in you and let it flow so that My Bride will
come to maturity. Time is short so do your first
works and walk in love discerning the Lord's body.
Remember My death till I come for behold I come
quickly and the harvest must be brought in. Much
harvest is in the fields and it is white to
harvest so do what you can do in bringing it in.
Precious souls stand in the balance. A cup of
cold water in My name may be needed. A kind word
may need to be spoken.Whatever I have called you
to do in a day do it with great joy. Some may
finance the journey and some may be home
interceeding. Each has their part in My Kingdom.

Remember also that today you have been blessed but
tomorrow you have need. Always walk with a heart
that esteems others better than yourself. If you
have done it to the least of these you have done
it unto Me.

Above all seek Me and you will find Me when you
seek Me with your whole heart. I am just waiting
for My children to take time to seek Me so seek
Me today while I may be found.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Arise Church


Arise Church
by Patricia Hamel

God is moving by His Spirit. He is saying that it is time
to tread on serpents and scorpions and on all power of
the enemy. Nothing will hurt you as you go forward in
His name. We were not made to be defeated but to walk
and move and have our being in Him. His resurrection
power lives in us and as we die to self, take up our
cross and follow Him we will have the victory. The
victory is ours. Peace is ours and the redeemed of
the Lord need to say so in this hour.

You are the redeemed of the Lord. Say so! Speak loud
and speak clearly for your God. Jesus is returning
for a church without spot or wrinkle. He is ironing
out the wrinkles in His church. We are being refined
by the fire and He is burning out all that is not
of Him. Arise Church. Arise and be all that the
Lord has called you to be. Do not back down. Do not
be discouraged but go forward at His leading and put
your foot where He has called you to walk.
Victory is here for the body of Christ as we walk
forward in love and unity of the Spirit. Be a
defender of the Truth of the Word of God. Stand
for it. Speak for the Word of God and pray for
those Divine opportunities that He will give you
each day. Speak the Word of the Lord as He fills
your mouth with Holy Spirit inspired Words.
Speak the truth in love every man with His
neighbor. God is calling you forth as one mighty
army together to defeat an already defeated foe.
Arise Church and Christ will give you light to
go forward and advance His Kingdom.

God Is Breaking The Back Of The Religious Spirit

God Is Breaking The Back Of The Religious Spirit
through Patricia Hamel

I will remove those that are like the Sadducees and the
Pharisees and do a work so that the religious spirit is
removed from My people. I am moving and separating the
wheat from the chaff. The light and the darkness will
become more pronounced and there will be a great divide
coming between the two. No longer will you be able
to walk with one foot in the world and one foot in the
church. All idols will be pulled down in Jesus name.

I am looking for those that will walk in purity before
Me. Those that will walk in garments pure and white and
touch not the unclean thing.There are those in My church
that are a mixture. I am removing all mixture from My
church. My bride will have no mixture. Search your
hearts and let Christ in all His glory be established
in you.

I will reign in My people and again I say search your
hearts for out of it flow the issues of life. I am
calling you out of the religious system into My body
and there are those that are there that still need
to come out.

All man made systems are going to come down and yet
there shall be a people, walking in purity and
holiness who have not defiled their garments
that will walk with the love of God in their hearts.

I am knocking at the door of your heart today and
asking you to search your heart for in doing so you
will find eternal life and that life is in My Son.

Read My Word daily for you are clean through the
word I have spoken to you.
Put away the idols and all idolatry and you will
know Me in a closeness that you have not yet known.
Seek Me for you will find Me when you seek Me
with your whole heart.

Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove
out all those who bought and sold in the temple,
and overturned the tables of the money changers
and the seats of those who sold doves. 13 And
He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall
be called a house of prayer, but you have made
it a ‘den of thieves.’” Matthew 21:12,13 (NKJV)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Focus on the Lord

Focus on the Lord
through Patricia Hamel

God has been speaking to you and letting you know that things have seemed out of focus. He is wanting to bring them back into focus. When you look through a camera you need to focus and in the same way the Lord is saying you need to make some adjustments. Things that have been out of focus need to be brought back into alignment. You need to again see things through the Word of God and not through your own eyes. Get your eyes back on the Lord and look at things through the Word of God and they will become clear. There is no tunnel vision when you see things through Christ. You eye sight will be sharpened and your discernment clear. Today the Lord is saying, "it is time to focus on Him".

8For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. Philippians 4:8 (AMP)

Sing to Me

Sing to Me
through Patricia Hamel

The Lord is Holy,
He is calling those that will be holy.
Come into My presence.
Enter in with great joy.
Now is the time of your refreshing.
Come to Me and let Me fill you with My joy.
I am your Father and your friend.
True and faithful till the end.
I will never leave you.
Nor forsake you.
You are My treasure
Precious child.
Rejoice in Me child.
Praise My name.
Sing to Me and love My holy name.
There are better days ahead.
Do not let your heart be filled with dread.
Instead tonight sing unto Me.
Remembering the cross of Calvary.
It was there I paid the price.
I did not say life would always be nice.
I did say though that I would be with you.
Trust Me child to see you through.
I am even in the morning dew.
So put your trust in Me My daughter.
I am your loving Father.
Blessed daughter trust in Me.
Your loving Father will set you free.