God is Sending You an Invitation
through Patricia Hamel
God is sending out invitations and requesting His people to support the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is speaking to those that are His in all nations of the earth and saying it is time to pray. There is a shift in the Spirit and a moving away of leaders of Nations that will support Israel. The Lord yet has His hand on the nation of Israel and His eye is never off what they are doing. God is not saying that they do everything perfectly for we know from the past that His children were not always an obedient children. The Lord is saying that they are the apple of His eye and that He is looking ever closely at those that will support His chosen people. Will you be one to stand for the Nation of Israel? Will you stand for all Israel that is of Israel? Will you stand when it costs you to stand for the Nation of Israel? They are the apply of His eye. God is seperating the sheep nations from the goat nations and He is looking at your nation. Are you praying that your nation will line up with the scriptures? We need to pray and seek His face for the nation of Israel. We need to be watchmen on the wall for Israel. Are you praying for their leaders?
Are you praying for the President of the United States that he will have wisdom in dealing with Israel? All eyes are on America and looking at what is happening. All eyes are seeing the slight toward Israel in the President of the United States not meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu during the upcoming AIPAC Summit. How long will we walk with our eyes closed and not see what is happening in the Spirit? Will we not see that the enemy is drawing away those that should have a heart for Israel into the enemy's camp?
The Nation that will be willing to divide Israel will be divided, says the Lord. God is saying I have chosen you to stand in the gap for Israel and for My chosen people. You have been told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Things are lining up in this end time battle and those that do not line up with God for His people will surely pay a heavy price. As you are willing to divide Israel so I will
divide your nation, says the Lord.It is time to wake up. Open your eyes and see what the Spirit is saying in this hour. He is speaking loudly. He is speaking clearly. He is saying that if you try to divide My people and take
from them that which I have given them, so your house shall be divided.
Arise and shine for your light is come and it is time to shine for the Lord on behalf of His people in prayer and supplication and make your requests known to the Lord. His hand is not shortened that it cannot save and the time is coming that as you pray the scales will be removed from the eyes of His people. They will see Jesus. Stand with the decendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and be blessed. The choice is yours. God gives you a free will. Make the right choice today you leaders of the world and the Lord will bless you.
Stand and turn your heart toward Israel and be blessed, says the Lord.
8 For thus says the LORD of hosts: “He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you;
for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye. Zechariah 2:8 (NKJV)
2I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will
I deal with and execute judgment upon them for [their treatment of] My people and of My
heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and [because] they have
divided My land. Joel 3:2 (AMP)