Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Glory Of My Love
through Patricia Hamel

Let the glory of My love bring you higher. Soar higher in My heavenly Kingdom. As that eagle I have called you to soar and stand where no man can stand. I have called you to walk where no man can walk. I have called you to see what no man can see and hear what no man can hear. You have been called to soar like an eagle and hear the voice of My Spirit. I am speaking daily into your heart. Know that I am speaking and be still to listen to the voice of My Spirit. In these days ahead, be still. Come aside and glean from My Holy Spirit. I have much to teach you in My school of learning and though you be a prophet in office you still have much to learn so that you might feed My people rich meat from the Word. Come aside for a season and dig deep. Dig deeper each day and you will see things you never thought you would see. Come aside and dig for the gold nuggets that are in My Word. Dig deeper and stay longer and become even more passionate for Me. The fire of My Spirit is kindled in you and it will burn like fire as you eat of My Word. You will soar higher, and see further than you thought possible. My secrets will be revealed to you. I do nothing before they are revealed to My servants the prophets. I will use you in the dark days ahead to feed My sheep. You will even feed My prophets as I feed you. Take of what I am offering to you for the table is spread before you. Partake of it and then share it with those in need. Your sight will be as sharp as the eagles and nothing shall get past you that you will not discern as you spend this time with Me. Come aside for this season and sit at My feet that you will soar higher, hear and see deeper and be the eagle I have called you to be. Come and soar higher with Me.