Friday, April 24, 2009

The Glory Is Coming

The Glory Is Coming
through Patricia Hamel

The glory is coming.
The manifestation of Christ in the sons and daughters of God
is coming and will be seen throughout the earth.
My glory will be seen in its fullness.
My glory shall be seen in the heavens and in the earth.
My glory I will not give to another but it will shine
through My Bride and her light shall not be put out.
She shall shine like the Son of God and He will be
manifested through her.
Arise and shine for your light is come.
Arise and shine with the glory of your God.
I am going to manifest myself in My fullness in those
that are Mine. I shall be seen. Jesus shall be seen
in purity and holiness in His bride.
She shall shine as the Son and stand in full battle
array ready for war.
She shall walk with love, joy and peace
and the nations of the earth will know she is Mine.
My Bride, My precious one arise, arise and again I
say to you arise.
You day is coming.
Your day of bring glory to My name is soon here.
Arise take your place and shine brightly for all to
see Jesus.
No longer shall there be a marring of light and
darkness for there shall be no darkness in you My
bride. You are light and will walk as light in this
world for all to see.
Kings and Nations shall know that I am the Lord and
all shall bow their knee before Me.
All shall know that I am the King of Kings and the
Lord of Glory.
Arise and allow Christ to be manifested in you.
The day of My glory will soon be made manifest in you.