Do Not Look Back!
through Patricia Hamel
Do not look back but look forward to where I the Lord your God will take you. You are being led by My Spirit and those that are fit for My service must not look back. Keep your eyes on Me and do not look to the left or to the right. I spoke this to Joshua and I am speaking this to you. Keep your eye in the Word of God and open to the voice of My Spirit. I am leading you into new territory. It always seems a little daunting but as I told Joshua so I tell you. Do not fear what I the Lord your God show you but go forward at My command and take the territory I tell you to take. There may be giants in the land but they shall be overcome for they will be grasshoppers in your sight. It is all in how you view things. Viewed through the power of My Spirit they are nothing for I have overcome and trampled them underfoot. Go and do likewise but move out only at My command. I have given you this territory where you live not put your foot down and go forward and take all that surrounds you defeating that which is in the heavenlies that is not of Me and then the ground war will be easy .Again I say to you move only at My Word and I will speak into your Spirit just how to intercede against these things, and you shall not be defeated. Your are My battleaxe and weapon of war and I have you hidden in My hand for such a time as this. Look not at yourself and your weaknesses but look at My strength for I am the Lord of Armies and you are the hidden weapon in My hand. Go forward and do exploits in My name, I am the Lord and your strength and sustaining power. Apply the blood of Jesus to all of your family and belongings and realize the power that is in My shed blood to overcome all the works of the enemy. Arise, intercede and I will show you the battle plans that you must follow for the work will be done and it will be a lasting work, says the Lord.