Comfort One Another With These Words
through Patricia Hamel
Do not think it strange beloved concerning the fiery trial that has come upon you. Instead rejoice in that you are a partaker of My sufferings. All those that live Godly in Christ Jesus will go through suffering and persecution. Rejoice instead that your name is written down in the Lamb's book of life. Indeed this is only the beginning so hold fast to Me and rejoice that I am holding you and keeping you even in that hour of temptation that is coming on the earth. Rejoice in Me and in this day for I am the Lord and nothing is too difficult for Me to do. Nothing is too difficult for Me to handle. No circumstance is too difficult for Me to turn around for good. Rejoice and trust that the same afflictions that are taking place in your life are also happening in your brothers and sisters. Trust Me that I will make all things right in My time and I am working on your behalf My wonders to perform. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for I am working to make things right on your behalf. Praise Me in your circumstances and see what I will do in the life of one that praises Me and trusts Me wholly. You will find me wholly true to My Word. Comfort one another with these words.