Friday, April 24, 2009

The Glory Is Coming

The Glory Is Coming
through Patricia Hamel

The glory is coming.
The manifestation of Christ in the sons and daughters of God
is coming and will be seen throughout the earth.
My glory will be seen in its fullness.
My glory shall be seen in the heavens and in the earth.
My glory I will not give to another but it will shine
through My Bride and her light shall not be put out.
She shall shine like the Son of God and He will be
manifested through her.
Arise and shine for your light is come.
Arise and shine with the glory of your God.
I am going to manifest myself in My fullness in those
that are Mine. I shall be seen. Jesus shall be seen
in purity and holiness in His bride.
She shall shine as the Son and stand in full battle
array ready for war.
She shall walk with love, joy and peace
and the nations of the earth will know she is Mine.
My Bride, My precious one arise, arise and again I
say to you arise.
You day is coming.
Your day of bring glory to My name is soon here.
Arise take your place and shine brightly for all to
see Jesus.
No longer shall there be a marring of light and
darkness for there shall be no darkness in you My
bride. You are light and will walk as light in this
world for all to see.
Kings and Nations shall know that I am the Lord and
all shall bow their knee before Me.
All shall know that I am the King of Kings and the
Lord of Glory.
Arise and allow Christ to be manifested in you.
The day of My glory will soon be made manifest in you.

God is Sending You an Invitation

God is Sending You an Invitation
through Patricia Hamel

God is sending out invitations and requesting His people to support the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is speaking to those that are His in all nations of the earth and saying it is time to pray. There is a shift in the Spirit and a moving away of leaders of Nations that will support Israel. The Lord yet has His hand on the nation of Israel and His eye is never off what they are doing. God is not saying that they do everything perfectly for we know from the past that His children were not always an obedient children. The Lord is saying that they are the apple of His eye and that He is looking ever closely at those that will support His chosen people. Will you be one to stand for the Nation of Israel? Will you stand for all Israel that is of Israel? Will you stand when it costs you to stand for the Nation of Israel? They are the apply of His eye. God is seperating the sheep nations from the goat nations and He is looking at your nation. Are you praying that your nation will line up with the scriptures? We need to pray and seek His face for the nation of Israel. We need to be watchmen on the wall for Israel. Are you praying for their leaders?

Are you praying for the President of the United States that he will have wisdom in dealing with Israel? All eyes are on America and looking at what is happening. All eyes are seeing the slight toward Israel in the President of the United States not meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu during the upcoming AIPAC Summit. How long will we walk with our eyes closed and not see what is happening in the Spirit? Will we not see that the enemy is drawing away those that should have a heart for Israel into the enemy's camp?

The Nation that will be willing to divide Israel will be divided, says the Lord. God is saying I have chosen you to stand in the gap for Israel and for My chosen people. You have been told to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Things are lining up in this end time battle and those that do not line up with God for His people will surely pay a heavy price. As you are willing to divide Israel so I will
divide your nation, says the Lord.It is time to wake up. Open your eyes and see what the Spirit is saying in this hour. He is speaking loudly. He is speaking clearly. He is saying that if you try to divide My people and take
from them that which I have given them, so your house shall be divided.

Arise and shine for your light is come and it is time to shine for the Lord on behalf of His people in prayer and supplication and make your requests known to the Lord. His hand is not shortened that it cannot save and the time is coming that as you pray the scales will be removed from the eyes of His people. They will see Jesus. Stand with the decendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and be blessed. The choice is yours. God gives you a free will. Make the right choice today you leaders of the world and the Lord will bless you.

Stand and turn your heart toward Israel and be blessed, says the Lord.

8 For thus says the LORD of hosts: “He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you;
for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye. Zechariah 2:8 (NKJV)

2I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will
I deal with and execute judgment upon them for [their treatment of] My people and of My
heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and [because] they have
divided My land. Joel 3:2 (AMP)

Sound the Alarm in Zion

Sound the Alarm in Zion
through Patricia Hamel

Battle Stations. Sound the Alarm in Zion. Blow the trumpet. The Lord is calling His people to take their places in the battle. Be on guard against unexpected surprises. I am telling you to arise and stand guard against all the tactics of the enemy. If he cannot find his way in from one direction he will try another. Keep your eyes and ears open and be listening to the voice of My Spirit. I detect him afar off and so will you as you become more sensitive to My Spirit, says the Lord.

15 Blow the trumpet in Zion,
Consecrate a fast,
Call a sacred assembly;
Joel2:15 (NKJV)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Stakes Are High
through Patricia Hamel

You have been warring and the stakes are high. It is a matter of life and death and you must choose to stand now against the enemy. Do not back down for he is trying to take out many children of God. He knows the plans I have for you and fears greatly the two edged sword in your hand. He has done all he can to try and stop you from being in My Word and understanding the plans of the Kingdom. He has tried to kill your finances but I say to you I am your provider and you must believe Me for your needs. His attempts are loud and at times subtle but know that it is through the power of My Spirit that you will detect him. Do not give in but learn the weapons of your warfare for you cannot find unless you know how to take the sword of the Lord and wield it. Take out your sword today and spend time in it and know which weapons you must use. Put on the whole armor of God that you can stand against the wiles of the enemy. Do not back down, do not back down and again I say to you do not back down but stand and having done all stand. There is victory just ahead for those of you that will stand firmly and look the enemy in the eye and determine not to be defeated. I have called you as My last day warriors and I need you to fight for the things of My Kingdom. Arise today for My power lies within you and you are not alone. Fear not for you are not alone but learn the keys to the Kingdom and open doors that are set before you. Arise and do battle and win, says the Lord.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
2Cr 10:5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:4,5

Friday, April 17, 2009

America, America

America, America
through Patricia Hamel

America, America, I have called you and you would not come
to Me. America I have knocked at the door of your heart and
you would not come. Now I am knocking ever loudly and
calling you to repentance. America it is now time for you to
repent and come to Me for I am calling you.

I am wooing you America as a Bridegroom woos His Bride and
saying now is the time of your salvation. America, America
come to Me before it is too late.

You have been drawn but the lust of this world has
captivated you. You have been captivated by the false
beauty of lust. It shall die America and you will die with
it if you do not turn to Me.

I have given you space to repent America. I have knocked
at the door of your heart and am again knocking. America
in all your splendor see how wretched poor blind and naked
you are without Me. Your buildings stand tall, but you are
bent low in your sin.

Come now to the Father. Come now America I am calling you
to repentance. The least to the greatest is being called
to come to Me. I am knocking at the door of your heart.

Your towns and cities are lost without Me. Your statue of
liberty has brought you no liberty but bound you for you
thought you were greater than others. You are not greater
but only that which I have allowed you to be.

Humble yourself under My hand America. The Nations are
looking at you and many are looking with eyes to take you
down. America, America except you repent and do your first
works you will fall into the hands of these nations.

America I the Lord God am speaking to you and giving you
space to repent of your sins. Repent America and repent
now for I am calling you to repent of your fornications
and evil works. America O America I am calling you one
last time and saying to you, come to Me and I will clean
you. Come to Me in repentance and I will save you.

You have been given space now to repent. Repent.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Just Shall Live By Faith

The Just Shall Live By Faith
through Patricia Hamel

Take the shield of faith and quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. He has no power over you so move ahead and believe Me at My Word. The just shall live by faith in the Son of God. Do not doubt but believe Me for the impossible. With God all things are possible. I will honor your faith and there is an unending supply of faith for those that are willing to step out and walk it. Step out in faith and your foot will be in My hand. I am able to do abundantly above all you ask or think for I am the God of the impossible.

6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Do Not Look Back!

Do Not Look Back!
through Patricia Hamel

Do not look back but look forward to where I the Lord your God will take you. You are being led by My Spirit and those that are fit for My service must not look back. Keep your eyes on Me and do not look to the left or to the right. I spoke this to Joshua and I am speaking this to you. Keep your eye in the Word of God and open to the voice of My Spirit. I am leading you into new territory. It always seems a little daunting but as I told Joshua so I tell you. Do not fear what I the Lord your God show you but go forward at My command and take the territory I tell you to take. There may be giants in the land but they shall be overcome for they will be grasshoppers in your sight. It is all in how you view things. Viewed through the power of My Spirit they are nothing for I have overcome and trampled them underfoot. Go and do likewise but move out only at My command. I have given you this territory where you live not put your foot down and go forward and take all that surrounds you defeating that which is in the heavenlies that is not of Me and then the ground war will be easy .Again I say to you move only at My Word and I will speak into your Spirit just how to intercede against these things, and you shall not be defeated. Your are My battleaxe and weapon of war and I have you hidden in My hand for such a time as this. Look not at yourself and your weaknesses but look at My strength for I am the Lord of Armies and you are the hidden weapon in My hand. Go forward and do exploits in My name, I am the Lord and your strength and sustaining power. Apply the blood of Jesus to all of your family and belongings and realize the power that is in My shed blood to overcome all the works of the enemy. Arise, intercede and I will show you the battle plans that you must follow for the work will be done and it will be a lasting work, says the Lord.

Are You Watering Down My Word?

Are You Watering Down My Word?
through Patricia Hamel

I am looking for those that will speak the truth in love. It is time to speak the truth every man with his neighbor.My Word is truth and in it is no darkness. I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but by Me. It is time that the truth be spoken for there is another gospel being preached. It is a watered down word that is not My gospel. It speaks of unity but deletes truth. I say to you that there is no unity without the truth that is in My Word. My Word cannot be sacrificed to pacify man. Search your hearts you that preach My Word. Are you presenting the whole gospel of Christ?

Are you speaking all of My word or are you diluting it? Search your heart for you will one day give an account for what you preach. You will give an account for the watering down of My Word. My Word will not be watered down without consequence. Search the scriptures and know Me. Search the scriptures and find life. Search My Word diligently for out of it flow the issues of life. Seek Me while I may be found. I will not be found by those that take away from My Word. Hear Me when I speak. I am the Lord and I would have the whole counsel of God spoken in this hour. Men are lost and dying because they are not hearing that they need to forsake their sin. Men are dying in their sins because they are not told the whole truth. There is a cost in serving Me. It will cost you everything to follow Me. Take up your cross and follow Me. Take it up today and come to the truth for it will set you free. Preach that I open prison doors. Preach that I set the captives free. Preach the truth that I heal today. Preach the truth without fear of man for this is the gospel that I died for and it will set men free. Preach the cross and Christ crucified. Preach the truth that it will cost men everything to follow Me. Follow Me.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Comfort One Another With These Words

Comfort One Another With These Words
through Patricia Hamel

Do not think it strange beloved concerning the fiery trial that has come upon you. Instead rejoice in that you are a partaker of My sufferings. All those that live Godly in Christ Jesus will go through suffering and persecution. Rejoice instead that your name is written down in the Lamb's book of life. Indeed this is only the beginning so hold fast to Me and rejoice that I am holding you and keeping you even in that hour of temptation that is coming on the earth. Rejoice in Me and in this day for I am the Lord and nothing is too difficult for Me to do. Nothing is too difficult for Me to handle. No circumstance is too difficult for Me to turn around for good. Rejoice and trust that the same afflictions that are taking place in your life are also happening in your brothers and sisters. Trust Me that I will make all things right in My time and I am working on your behalf My wonders to perform. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for I am working to make things right on your behalf. Praise Me in your circumstances and see what I will do in the life of one that praises Me and trusts Me wholly. You will find me wholly true to My Word. Comfort one another with these words.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Glory Of My Love
through Patricia Hamel

Let the glory of My love bring you higher. Soar higher in My heavenly Kingdom. As that eagle I have called you to soar and stand where no man can stand. I have called you to walk where no man can walk. I have called you to see what no man can see and hear what no man can hear. You have been called to soar like an eagle and hear the voice of My Spirit. I am speaking daily into your heart. Know that I am speaking and be still to listen to the voice of My Spirit. In these days ahead, be still. Come aside and glean from My Holy Spirit. I have much to teach you in My school of learning and though you be a prophet in office you still have much to learn so that you might feed My people rich meat from the Word. Come aside for a season and dig deep. Dig deeper each day and you will see things you never thought you would see. Come aside and dig for the gold nuggets that are in My Word. Dig deeper and stay longer and become even more passionate for Me. The fire of My Spirit is kindled in you and it will burn like fire as you eat of My Word. You will soar higher, and see further than you thought possible. My secrets will be revealed to you. I do nothing before they are revealed to My servants the prophets. I will use you in the dark days ahead to feed My sheep. You will even feed My prophets as I feed you. Take of what I am offering to you for the table is spread before you. Partake of it and then share it with those in need. Your sight will be as sharp as the eagles and nothing shall get past you that you will not discern as you spend this time with Me. Come aside for this season and sit at My feet that you will soar higher, hear and see deeper and be the eagle I have called you to be. Come and soar higher with Me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Step Out Of The Boat

Step Out Of The Boat
by Patricia Hamel

You are being stretched by Me. It seems at times that you
feel like an elastic that is about to break. Do not fear
but trust Me that what I am doing is for your good and My
purposes. You are being launched in that ministry and the
stepping out of the boat is never easy but a step of faith.
Peter stepped out of the boat and I was there with him.
I will be standing with you as you move forward a step at
a time.

The water is deep but you can do all things through Christ
who gives you strength. I am you life raft in time of
trouble and you can surely hold on to Me as you feel the
tempest around you. Dare to move forward boldly and take
territory a step at a time. The places you put your feet
I will give them to you as you call them in to Me. Step
forward into your destiny and know that we are walking
together, says the Lord.

28And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. 29He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus. 30But when he perceived and felt the strong wind, he was frightened, and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me [from death]! 31Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and caught and held him, saying to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt? 32And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. 33And those in the boat knelt and worshiped Him, saying, Truly You are the Son of God! Matthew 14:28-33 (AMP)