Stand Firm
When you are occupying, standing AND producing in your God ordained functionality in the body of Christ, besides satan himself, you can always expect at least 2 other people to show up somewhere along the away. Jezebel and a Pharisee! Jezebel comes to intimidate and control and the Pharisee comes to criticize and discredit.
When these two begin to show up, then you KNOW that you have become a threat to THEIR corrupt plans and purposes concerning the Kingdom of God and His people. Do not be moved by these spirits! No authority that they have is able to overrule the authority given unto you by God through Jesus Christ.
Your job IS NOT to prove anything to them but to STAND FIRM when they show up! Your assignment is to be sure that you continue to occupy and function properly aligned to the word of God and according to GOD'S direction. As long as you are found as such, there is absolutely NOTHING that Jezebel OR a Pharisee can do with you OR to you!
We only become subject to spirits such as these when we are found outside of the will of God. However, as long as you please God, your enemies MUST cease their illegal actions against you. They can only attempt to torment you for so long and then they MUST go!
It is written, "When a man’s ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Proverbs 16:7 NKJV).
Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams