Thursday, May 5, 2011

As If It Were Your Last Day by Ron McGatlin


by Ron McGatlin

What were the thousands of Japanese people who perished in the recent tsunami doing and thinking the day before the ocean rose up and carried them away? I wonder what Osama bin Laden was thinking about the day before a bullet found its target ending his life? And what was going on in the lives of the hundreds of people in southern USA the day before a rash of tornadoes took them away? I wonder how different the day might have been for all these and many others if they had known that tomorrow would be the last day of their lives. You do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. ~ James

It’s almost a certainty that there will be a last day and a day before it for every one of us, including those we love the most. Life and relationships with others are very precious gifts. If we knew that today was our last day or the last day for someone we love, we would probably count every moment as very precious. We would seek to make every minute count to the fullest in loving one another. It would seem so terribly wasteful to use even one minute in worry, strife, or anger.

A day without love is a wasted day.

A day without expressing love through praise to God and to the ones next to us is a wasted day. A lifetime of days spent without expressing real love and sincere praise to God and then to those around us is a wasted life.

Kingdom of God living is experienced and fulfilled in the expression of real love through our actions that praise God and those around us.

This is the most fundamental principle of the kingdom of God on earth. All order of kingdom life is rooted in this principle. Every aspect of life on earth is to be ordered (ruled) by the foundational principle of expressed love. God is love. The expression of God’s love from heaven is released into the earth realm through Christ in His people by the Holy Spirit.

All life in the kingdom emanates from love. All governance of life in the kingdom emanates from love. Love is from God. It is not possible to separate God from love. Without God there is no love, and without love there would be no manifestation of God on earth. God is love.

Without real love there is no kingdom of God on earth, and without the Holy Spirit there is no real love on earth.

Love produces righteousness.

Righteousness leads to peace.

Peace brings joy.

The kingdom of God on earth is righteousness, peace, and joy, in the Holy Spirit. God in the Holy Spirit now abides in His humble people.

Thus, the full potential of the kingdom of God to transform the world into God’s heavenly order rests solidly and firmly within the people of God now on earth.

All of the saints of God that have gone before have faithfully done their part and brought us to this time. However, they no longer have the potential to bring forth the kingdom on earth. Their time for that has passed.

After our last day on earth, none of us will have the potential to bring forth the kingdom of heaven on earth. Only in the days in which we are alive and in this world do we have the potential to bring forth the kingdom of God on earth.

Our time is now. Is there anything of greater importance and significance than fully doing our part to bring forth the kingdom of God in this world?

Our part is to be fully available for God to work in and through us to bring forth His love ruling His kingdom on earth. Two major things involved in our being available are that we are WILLING and that we BELIEVE. It is God by His Holy Spirit who is forming the Spirit of Christ in us to do the supernatural works of love, wisdom, and power to transform the world into the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

A Fresh Outpouring of Life

A fresh surge of life is being poured out in the Spirit – exciting, powerful, and loving kingdom life rushing as a wind from heaven into the hearts and lives of His people.

We do not know how many days or years we have left to bring forth the exciting life of the kingdom of God on earth. Personally, I do not want to waste another one of them. My heart’s desire and passion is to be used of Him every day, including that last one whenever it comes, being fully alive in Him and with all that is within me imparting His love and His kingdom as much as possible to as many as possible.

In this fresh surge of heavenly life that is coming upon us in this season, there is potential for greater and more rapid kingdom advancement than we have ever known before. By the moving of the Spirit, we can do more kingdom business in less time and with seemingly less effort on our parts. Love is powerfully motivating us into relational connections and joint efforts that are a thousand times more potent than we have been separately in the past.

We do not need fleshly human stimulation to arouse our excitement. Our excitement arises from within by the Spirit stirring love and passion for the kingdom in our hearts. Every direction we look there is human weakness and lack of truth and passion in Christians. They are in great need of living examples of the vibrant love and joy of the Lord exploding into great productivity of kingdom life before them.

Even as the smell of death arises from the valley of the shadow, resurrection life is pouring out its fragrance of righteousness. Today God is calling to the living to arise in the joy of love and power to transform that which is before us into the kingdom of our God.

Lift up your eyes and see the glory of the Lord falling upon you illuminating you with the Spirit of brightness and shining out imparting life to the half-dead and joy to the living. Let the strength of the joy of the Lord spread like a godly virus exploding across the Body of Christ that is now coming together by the Spirit.

Arise from the shadows of life into the brightness of holiness in the glory of God. Let your kingdom light shine to the world around you. Stand upon the hill of the Lord and with boldness throw off the coverings of the past. With great affection lift your heart and your face to that which is above. Let the countenance of your face reflect the glory of God streaming down upon you. The joy of the Lord is among us this day – the day of the advancement of the kingdom of God on earth – the day of fulfillment of the sacrificial labor of the saints of history.

Heb 11:37-40: They were stoned, they were sawn in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented; of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.

Father, we pray, in the name of Jesus, help us to finish well the labor of the saints of history in bringing forth the reality of the glory of Your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth now, in our lives. Shine forth Your glory of love through Your people that are alive on earth now. Amen.

Keep on pursuing love. It never fails

and His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin