Saturday, May 7, 2011

No Works, No Faith by Apostle Adrienne Williams

No Works, No Faith

People of God, if one desires to become that which our Father has pre-ordained them to be, then they MUST become OBEDIENT to GOD and the will of God concerning their lives. The more we decrease, the more HE increases within us. To tell God "YES" is good. However, we must understand that AFTER the "YES" comes OBEDIENCE and faith WITH WORKS!

It is good to say, "I have faith that I will become who God called me to be." But if we do not commence to work toward occupying our pres-destined space in Heaven and earth, then we merely have faith without works which is a DEAD faith.

We can not ask God to use us or continue to say, "I give myself away" yet when God calls, we do not answer! At this point in time, we should be exhausted at merely saying, "I know who God called me to be" but not moving forward to position ourselves to BECOME such and produce GOOD FRUIT for the Kingdom of God.

The desire and love that we proclaim that we have for our Father should very well override any hesitations that we have in obeying HIM. Yes, He certainly does know our hearts. But He also knows whether we are GENUINELY attempting to BECOME. IF we truly love Him as we say we do, then we keep His commandments. (John 14:15).

If we truly love Him, we will cease making excuses of why we can not serve God and simply begin to serve wherever we are in whatever manner He requests. There should be no more delay concerning our service to God in this season or seasons to come.

The hour has indeed come for God to glorify His sons and daughters that HE may be glorified through our lives!

Grace, peace and blessings,

Apostle Adrienne Williams