Monday, May 23, 2011

Joplin, Missouri

Joplin, Missouri

Last night as I heard of the tornado in Joplin, Missouri and prayed for the people, it also came to me about President Obama's meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and his pressure on him to put back the lines to 1967. Two days earlier on the 18th the Lord gave me a word for the USA and a lot of it was about dividing Israel. God is making this clear through many. On May 20, 2011 Billye Brim put out a prayer alert to this effect and I am sure others have put out warnings as well.

There was the voice of a woman saying," Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Heavenly Father" that could be heard above those hiding in a store freezer during this tornado. She knew who to call on in the time of storm, calling on the name of Jesus. This speaks volumes of where our hearts need to be not just during crisis but daily.

Do you ask the Father to order your steps each day? This is something we all need to do. We need to walk out our salvation with fear and trembling. This woman did not know she would be called on last night to be a witness in the storm and devastation but clearly she was ready.

We need to pray Psalm 91 for protection and get it into our spirits. He is our front end and rear guard. We need to trust in Father and put our lives in His hands. We have assurance of life for the moment we are in and not more. Let us walk a repent walk and be ready at all times to meet our maker.

Let us continue to pray and intercede for the Lord to have mercy.

For whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13