Saturday, March 10, 2012

Word Of The Lord for March 2012 by Phyllis Ford

Phyllis Ford Carpenter�s Touch Ministries, Arlington, Texas 

Word of the Lord March 2012
�It is time to step into my glory and light. Where fear cannot overtake you�where you are protected by the understanding that I am your maker and your dwelling place. You must know that I am with you, for you and in you. Know that you can overcome all that is before you. So stay before me where my spirit can direct you and provide you with the revelation of what you must know and what you have been positioned to do. So don�t allow your circumstance to dictate to you but declare, decree, rule, reign before all that is occurring around you. You will not only maneuver into safety but you will know how to exercise faith in the midst of obstacles and situations. Walk as Son�s as I declare to you what to do and how your direction in life should take on the path that you must walk. So stay in the light of my presence, light of my glory and the light of my word as you may be able to see what is before you and what is about to occur before it takes place.�

�There will be high level meetings in the US. When it begins everything will seemingly go in one direction and course but by the time it is concluded, the victory will be recovered and those who were appearing to have the advantage will be the ones that will be put in check. For I am moving in this time to release my righteous judgments in the land and deal with those who have been smug and arrogant with their own power but their influence will be humbled by my mighty hand. The hands of the unrighteous and their works have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. I have a redemptive purpose and the restoration of my people will carry a major part of my plan.� Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which I have prepared for them whom I love. (1 Corinthians 2:9). �

�I will bring down the high tree and exalt the low tree and I will uncover all things. That which was set up by the enemy, will be reversed says the Lord. So when you witness what is about to occur do not be dismayed nor intimidated, because there will be change and a turning. A turning, an awakening, and a ruling in the midst of the ruling and I will have my way. I will determine the fate of those who have been in power---I will have my way and my word will be the last word, says the Lord. I will remove these evil foundations, and I will destroy that which does not represent my plan. I will set forth a new strength and a new glory, which will deal with the works of darkness and it will set in order the new course by which you should go.�

�You are about to witness some things that will startle you, but realize that righteous judgments have been set into place long ago. These things must take their course for real change to come forth in this nation. Know that there are plans of wars, plans of upheaval, and plans of betrayal but there are also plans of standing for that which is Holy, and that which is right. There are plans that I have set in place, to help you overcome all that is coming upon the land. So stand in faith and the understanding that I shall reveal to you which will bring forth the light of My glory that will shine upon your heart. I will set in place for your life a new restoration that will help you grow and move with endurance and unwavering strength.� Isaiah 40: 31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

�Take that which I have given you and prepare. You must fulfill the work and the plans for preparation and preservation. It is important that you implement and prepare with that which I place into your hands so that you may walk out My wisdom for your protection and for your defense. I will be by your side � showing you and helping you set things in place, speaking words of direction and comfort. So don�t worry because you are more prepared than you know and you know more than you realize. This is a time of watching and implementation. When Nehemiah rebuilt the wall, there was a watching and praying, a building and watching, hands to build and hands to war with a blasting of the trump the wall was built. (Nehemiah 4:9,17-18, 21) These are essential now. This watch will prepare you down the way--� it is a prophetic watch that will help you see your way into the next 6 months and so that you will be prepared. So wait before Me and allow Me to strengthen you for the journey ahead and enlighten you concerning the serious things that are to come.�

Prophetic Insights:

This is a month that will carry a great uncovering of the plans of men behind closed doors. Before this month is over we will know about several conspiracies that many imagined, theorized and even felt prophetically. We will see the uncovering of agreements that were conspired, strategized and put together�then played out and hidden in plain sight before the people. The world economy being the major focus and people trusting their governments and business community have unfortunately, become collateral damage.

The Lord began to confirm that the �economic house of cards� is about to come crashing down because the trouble that has been hiding in plain sight can no longer remain hidden. The reality is that things are much worse than earlier perceived because of the evil works that have been planned by the hands of a few. However the Lord said there is about to be a major reality check as the enemy continues to move towards more cover-ups, including a premature war (using more tactics that have been previously agreed upon.) Nonetheless the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous avails much and God�s power will move forth in the hearts of a �people prepared� as they will continue to advance and overcome.

The Lord went on to say:

�There has been a great covering up of corruption. Some will be at the government level; others at the level of those who tell the government what to do. There are those who are being singled out for what many have already determined behind closed doors. Many hands were involved, but some will be designated to take the fall. These were all connected to the cover-ups and they were corrupted to the core. The hands that were a part of it did it because they were determined to benefit from it. But great will be their fall and many will come to understand that My justice will established in the midst of their so-called justice and the actions of these men will be uncovered and diminished.�

Proverbs 6:18 KJV (these things I hate�..) A heart that devised wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief. �For the feet that run swift towards evil will not only have to pay the price of their own undoing but unfortunately many will suffer temporarily, by the hands of the few. Yet I have a recourse, one of stability and truth that will come forth out of the ashes of the destruction of these systems. They will know the strength of My hand and I will overturn, overturn, overturn, says the Lord. And the shakeup of leadership and heads of government have already begun and will continue and there will also be shakings in the land.�

Galloping Horses:
Vision: I saw a vision of galloping horses and the Lord gave me this scripture. Jeremiah 12:5 If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trusted, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

The Lord said: �There is a sound of galloping horses that speaks of coming trouble and the evil plans of men moving forward to demonstrate/show their own power and might. For the governments will meet but they will also rise up one against the other with threats, along with great swelling words and even sharp accusations. There will be clashes of power and rank as each one shows their declarations of strength and opposition to each other. You must understand these things will come. But there are those who would like to push the envelope of rivalry against one another before the time. There is a rushing to judgment on matters that are not of Me----and those who are pushing their agendas will only gender more strife and stir up more trouble. But these things will be uncovered and those hands will be revealed as to the course that their plans were being set. There will be one hand pointing at another, while at the time of the uncovering, the hands of the other will be revealed. So watch and pray. Be careful not to judge anything before it�s� time. Keep up with all that is going on around you so that you will know what to do and how you should do it �

The rearing up of the tabernacle

The Lord showed me a vision of the tabernacle in the wilderness earlier in February. He later said in the month of March, that this was the time for the rearing up of the tabernacle. Exodus 40:17 And it came to pass in the first month in the second year, on the first day of the month, that the tabernacle was reared up. (Other significant scripture: Entire Exodus 40, Numbers 1:1, Numbers 7:1, Number 9:15, 10:11) (The symbolism concerning �the rearing up� speaks volumes but it is a major key and instruction to the people of God in this hour for several reasons.):

� We are literally coming into the month of Nissan on the 24th of March. I believe this date will be very significant in the days to come.

� God�s instruction to Moses �to rear-up� the tabernacle was in Mt. Sinai (out from Egypt but before entering into Canaan.) also note: there was a decrease in those who really entered into Canaan.

� The relevance to where the tabernacle was reared up also speaks �Do This Now!� the importance of timing--that now this preparation must take place. The process of cleansing, purification, and sanctification (and setting everything in its proper place.) was very important. This is not a time to put off anything that God is prioritizing.

� The tabernacle was God�s dwelling place and that in that place we are to understand how to worship, discern clearly and understand who Abba is and also learn how to abide in that place of safety and protection (Psalm 91).

The Lord further spoke:

�Know within you is purpose and light. It will carry you through the darkest days and nights and will carry you through in the times of trouble. There is not a challenge, nor a problem that cannot be overcome. The first half of this month will carry strong days of great challenges but you will be able to stand because I have made you to stand. The second part of this month there will be some things that will be experienced as a result of the decisions that occurred previously-�you have not been this way before so you must listen and hear Me as I walk you through. Survival for yourself and others will be the order of the day.�

�Know that I am able to keep you and protect you but it is important that you must do all that I direct you to do. This is not a time to be idle. Even as you will rejoice in the provision that I will provide, move forward with great diligence and purpose. In order to initiate service to others you must seek out My wisdom on how to carry out things because there is an order as to how to do these things.�

Counterfeits, lies and Devouring Mouths

As we entered into this year, we will begin to see the Kingdom of God become more established upon this earth. We must not forget Matthew 24:4, 11, 24, warns against false christ, and false prophets. We must guard against not only those who speak deceptions and teach false doctrine but we must earnestly contend for the faith. This year the secular prognosticators began it with a declaration to the world according to Chinese astrology that this is the year of the (Water) Dragon. (We do not believe nor endorse any of these things.) But we do know and understand that the spirit of Leviathan is where lies, deception and pride are in full operation. We are not ignorant of the enemy�s devices but our focus must be upon the preaching of the Gospel and the evangelizing of the nations.

We must be careful not to allow the devouring mouth of the enemy (who is the accuser of the brethren) to speak to us concerning others and get us engaged in unnecessary confrontations with each other. The Lord said to �Watch what we say and not to allow the enemy to take our words and use them against us.�

Prayer & Intercession

We must continue to pray because prayers are having an impact. It is one thing to be aware of what is around us but there are many things within the prophetic word that must be bathed in prayer. We must pray concerning things such as premature war and devastation with earthquakes. We have seen natural shaking as well as shakings in the government and economic arena.

We must pray concerning the things that the Lord cautioned us about in the Word of the Lord in 2012�concerning the Media and sudden deaths of reporters (in Syria) and our present economic woes in the nations. (We have had so many resignations with CEO & CFO in banking systems across the globe, and the most of them in the month in February.) In this month we are going to find out why. We will see the fighting over oil reserves and changes in government heads throughout our nation(s) as well as those who are assisting those in leadership and the current changing of the guard. (See the Word of the Lord 2012 & February 2012). Our prayers are more significant than we know during these times of great change.