by Geoff Pick
Honouring the forgotten heroes
A day or so after writing the decree below, while worshiping with others, I had a series of pictures that were a series of visions for the church.
A decree to honour the faithful
To the generation of the faithful Christians born in early 20th Century in Britain, those who saw society turn away from God, and yet remained faithful, I honour your perseverance and steadfastness, as does the Holy one.
I think of my Grandfather who came from a long line of Christians. He held his strong conviction and unwavering faith as he lived a long and faithful life. During his days church attendance was continuously falling, and people who once were regulars at church, spent their time in leisure, instead of seeking the fellowship of the Christian community. The things of God, once held in honour were increasingly considered irrelevant by these defectors and even despised by a modern unbelieving community, whose forefathers had once held in high esteem the Word of God, the Worship of God and who had even honoured the servants of Christ. The defectors walked in worldliness, worshiped transient fads and so called freedoms that brought no lasting pleasure.
By contrast, my Grandfather and the remnant others �did what was right in the eyes of the Lord�, gave generously to God�s work and supporting others in need, without trumpeting their works. He was a source of strength, who helped to hold together the Christian chapel assembly. Yet he never stood in a pulpit, the place of honour, or held obvious rank in his church, yet those who loved the Lord saw him as a rock in his generation.
We, the body of Christ, stand in the place we have because of such men and women, who held ground in the face of what seemed for decades to be a losing battle. When revival comes and brings in the harvest, it will be easy to feel that we have done well, yet it is easier to stand in the day of His power. Holding the right attitude and perspective in revival will bring its own challenges. Many of the reigns of the good kings of Israel, came unstuck after years of success that led to over confidence and a letting go of reliance and communication with God.
Luke 12:48 �� From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.�
Ten Visions � The Church and nation moving into the glory place that awaits us.
Past triumphs
I saw a trophy animal head mounted on a wall, this one was displaying a ram�s head.
This represented the churches finer days, past triumphs of the church when the Kingdom was moving forward. We looking back to those, who have inspired massive change in a nation and forerunner pioneers of faith; leaders like Smith Wigglesworth, Wesley and many others who have taken ground for the faith.
For many Christian leaders and long-standing faithful believers, faced with the declining church membership, a downward shift in social morality, abandonment of Christian heritage and a lack of evangelistic impact that has staying power � a dark cloud of present reality pervades, that speaks of a hopelessness and an underlying �get ready to die� mentality.
A trumpet ready to play
I saw a trumpet ready to sound. The Lord releases the sound of heaven that begins to change the atmosphere in favour of the people of God. A command went out, that we are now beginning a new thrust forward. This is a Joshua moment, when the command to move forward is given. Our need is to embrace a new understanding that the wilderness days of disappointment are over. It is time that the armies of God arise, at His command.
The little lakes
I saw several small lakes in a landscape country scene. It seemed that these lakes had once been like great expanses that would have filled the whole countryside in view. Little lakes represent the small remnant from the harvest of various former revivals of past history � they are the faithful ones, who continue on generations later. While the many defect gradually to the world, like an army dispersing and slipping away from battle, there are faithful ones who have stayed loyal to the King of kings. Those who remain are like Gideon�s army, a small group taking on near impossible odds in a hostile culture.
Lifting the veil
I see a large curtain about to be raised, I get to look behind this curtain and see an assembled army of angelic warriors, prepared, eager and ready for action. They are ready for the trumpet to sound.
This is just a glimpse of the unseen heavenly army ready for action. We won�t see them, but the effects of the release of the angelic armies will be to overwhelm an enemy who thought that he�d written off the Christian church, as if published in the obituary announcements of death.
Steam builds up in a boiler and the train is moving
I see steam building up in a boiler and then I see an old steam train beginning to move forward. The words �Glory Train� are running through my thoughts. This feels like going back to time to the 19th Century when Spirit of God was taking charge over the nation. It feels like this great train is no longer stuck in the sidings�like an outdated model. I feel the train is carrying a massive weight of glory. I hear the sound of the steam, the train�s whistle and loud singing from impassioned hearts giving glory to the Lord and bringing the sense of the presence of God into the atmosphere.
Hallelujah !!!! Hallelujah !!!! Hallelujah !!!!
Glory Glory Glory!!!
Praises to the King of Kings!!!
There is an excitement and thrill in the everlasting � heaven meets earth.
There is a massive stirring in my spirit � I want to shout.
O� so long, have we held back and kept silent, when the deep longing of our souls has been to shout, to jump, to dance and to sing.
In His presence is FULLness of Joy. Go on and shout and sing in the Spirit, speak praises into the atmosphere and tell it to change � that the glory of the King will prevail.
We speak boldness upon the body of Christ! BOLDNESS in CHRIST is ours to walk in. In the joy of the Lord is our strength. God says as we submit to Him we will be able to resist the devil and he will flee. Let all darkness run from the praises of heaven, as when heaven prevails, there is no darkness that can overcome it.Hands extended
From the glory train, the picture pans over towards the ground where I see hands extended from the earth. This represents the poor and needy calling for help. They are the victims of the present world system, a ready harvest to be gathered in, as they see our joy, as a fresh harvest of souls for the Kingdom. �They are mine�, says the Lord of the harvest. Jesus is smiling and the angels are rejoicing, jumping and waving their hands, as many souls begin to walk in the light of life, new sons and daughters in the house of the Lord.
The Key to overcome
This key is for a release of those who have thought they do not need God. There are many who think they are self-sufficient even above the need of God. Those who choose to ignore God deliberately, deceiving themselves and others. There are those who confidently stand against the Christian faith. These will suddenly be rendered powerless; once people of influence, they will fall from their high perches. There is coming, a turning around of the culture that once supported secularists and atheists � those who have sought to marginalise God, will find themselves, as irrelevant out of step voices.
The books of heroes � yet to be revealed
I see books on a shelf. On the spine of one book I see the word �Deeds�. This is a library of books telling of the future kingdom heroes. In the Bible we catch glimpses of some of the events in the lives of David�s mighty men, just a few highlights of impossible odds that warriors overcame. There are books written in heaven about the future heroes of faith � the enemy does not know these stories yet, these stories will unfold as the sons and daughters of the Kingdom are revealed. There are powerful mantles for these humble servants of the kingdom.
These are the days of Elijah, this time it won�t be a single mantle with a double portion that comes. At that time miracles only repeated the past again. God wants us to see that in Acts 2 the tongues of fire touched the people, each uniquely. They were waiting in obedience in the right place in readiness for receiving from heaven. God did not touch each one with a single tongue, in turn, neither did they speak all in the same language, but different ones. Each had their individual ministries and abilities, rich in their uniqueness and diverse in many aspects, just as DNA creates the code of an individual, not a copy of the former generation, so it is in the Kingdom. God is ready to give gifts and send His power. Do not limit faith by asking to see what has been seen before, neither expect the same level of success. Dream great dreams people of Christ, let the Holy Spirit excite and stretch faith, step out in obedience looking only to Him for an enabling that will truly bring the enemy under our feet, as Christ reigns in us and through us. We must find the place where we receive from Him, all that He has for us.
A tap being turned on � No more fruitless evangelism
I see water flowing from a large tap. This is the Spirit being poured out touching all to the right and to the left. This is more than a shift in the natural order of culture. There is a growing sense of �heaven on earth�, an atmosphere for revival, a deep awareness of God�s presence that even the wicked cannot ignore. �I will pour out My Spirit on all�. Those who stand against me, who see and feel My Spirit at work � they will have no excuse for not believing. The good news goes out to all nations and as light and joy increases, hearts will melt in My presence, true repentance will come easily, as the love and heart of Jesus is revealed. He calls, �come into the river of life, enter into My kingdom where the joy everlasting reigns�. Outside there is darkest blackness. For those who turn from this heavenly call, there is no more hope of life.
The final picture � A horseman riding towards us
I see a horseman riding furiously towards us. He is bringing a proclamation as in Matthew 25. �Get ready the bridegroom is coming.�
Be filled with the oil of heaven, be ready for His return.
27/29th March 2012 Geoff Pick
Edited by Geoff Pick on 03/29/2012 at 10:36am
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