13th July, 2007
Lana PerryMany of you are finding a time of intense trial and tribulation. Many of you are feeling as though a black cloud has been placed above your heads and you are fighting battle after battle, and you are continually being placed in circumstances where there is nothing that you can do but hold onto Me for your provision and hope.
For I speak to you My Church that universally I am now calling My Church to rise up and to "see" with the eyes of faith, and that the mouths of many be redeemed. The eyes and mouths of many of My children become redeemed and fall in line with My Word, let the confession of your mouths be that which I have spoken in My Word.
For I am now allowing these times of trials to come upon many of you within My Church to demonstrate a few critical lessons that you must learn as My Bride.
I am allowing these things to demonstrate the power of My spoken Word, the power of faith and My provision. For I am now doing heart surgery within My church and I am removing all areas of unbelief.
My Church is full of unbelief and I have looked across the hearts of My children and have found few without unbelief growing within their hearts. I am speaking to you now My Church, that even though the surgery is painful and the fire is hot, I am removing unbelief. For those of you who are willing to listen and to surrender to Me and obey, I am removing the poison of unbelief from your lives.
Many of you have noticed physical ailments increasing, financial burdens increasing, oppression and attacks increasing and many areas of life changing. Many of you are noticing many circumstances that are placed before you that seem to cause anxiety and stress, and have become like 'black clouds' over your lives. <>
I am speaking to you each of you now to turn your eyes to Me and see these circumstances and life at present not as a black cloud above your head but a portal of massive opportunity to see Me demonstrate My power and My provision, but this power and provision is only unlocked through the redemption of unbelieving hearts, eyes and mouths.
For I am calling each of you to now repent. Come to Me and lay down your unbelieving eyes, unbelieving hearts and unbelieving mouths, call on Me and I will hear from heaven, and forgive you of your sins, and lead you in the way of everlasting.
For once you come to Me and repent, and your hearts, eyes and mouths are washed clean by My blood, then you must guard your hearts, eyes and mouths by taking every thought captive, and speaking ONLY that which is found within My Word.
For many of you are not living an abundant life, because you are not speaking forth the words that flow from My heart.
Many of you are 'reacting' in the ways of the flesh, but I speak to you now, that if you continue to seek Me, and speak out My truth, I will indeed change your hearts, your character and your responses, and you will begin responding to circumstances brought to you with greater faith, conviction and hope.
For I am now releasing a greater demonstration and revelation of My Glory and My provision upon those who I am rising up to be faith healers, those who are to lay hands on the demonized and see them set free, and those who are to walk forward in the supernatural callings of signs of wonders of the last days.
For the shaking HAS BEGUN within My Church. The shaking has begun through these circumstances, and many who are not willing to have redeemed eyes, hearts and mouths will indeed fall away and miss the very move of My Spirit that is now coming to My Church.
It is time for eyes to be unveiled. It is time for ears to be unblocked, and it is time for the mute to speak. <>
For many of you have been mute for too long. The enemy has continued to throw circumstances at you and words spoken over you that have kept each of you in a place of defeat and your mouths mute. For this is not what I died for. I died that you may have life and life to the FULL!!!!
The generation of faithful believers is now arising. Those who will move mountains not in their own strength but in the power and conviction of WHO I AM!!!
Take heart dear Church, for those of you who are walking this path now and are weary, know that I the Lord your God am building you into a strong tower of faith, conviction and hope, for you will be those, part of the generation who walks into unbelieving and impossible situations and turns them for My Glory and sees My provision manifested because of your radical belief in My power and My Word and who I am.
Many of you will believe on behalf of others, of unbelievers and you will see My Glory, My character and My provision made manifest and many will come into the Kingdom of God, because of the power of faith, even on behalf of those who don't believe.
Arise BELIEVING generation, now is the time to SHINE!!!