Ian Johnson - ianjohn@xtra.co.nz
Over the years I have observed many patches of Native New Zealand bush in decline and yet as soon as it is fenced off to prevent cattle sheep & goats from entering and eating the plants and disturbing the roots, it springs back to life in regeneration.
It is amazing how quickly the forest floor changes given the right set of circumstances. It reminds me of a verse in the book of Job
For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender shoots will not cease.Though its root may grow old in the earth, And its stump may die in the ground,Yet at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant. Job 14:7-9 (NKJV)
It also reminds me of a Bear, who has slept over winter in a dark cave, only in his dreams will he experience the wonders of that which is to come, but as soon as Spring comes he awakes, He is hungry and immediately goes out in search for the fat of the land.
Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people;But the Lord will arise over you, Isaiah 60:1-2 (NKJV)
The Hebrew word translated arise is "Qum" (pronounced Ko-om) with the broader meaning of wake up, rouse yourself, arise as from a deep sleep. Not as a bear with a sore head but as one who has been dreaming of the possibilities of heaven invading earth. But like the bear awaken and begin to seek food & water to satisfy the longing in your inner being.
Many are currently aware that it is Spring in the Kingdom, some are still sleeping others haven woken up and are hungry and in search of food.
For some the dry stump of a previous move is beginning to feel the soft warm touch of a spring rain and there is stirring in the depths. When spring comes the whole atmosphere changes, flowers bloom their sweet fragrance fills the crisp clear air, fruit begins to set on the vine and the earth responds to the warmth of the sun. That which was only a dream in the depths of winter is now becoming reality
In recent meetings in Horizon Church Auckland with Jeff Jansen I saw the waring Angel over NZ (Zeal) step into the room, He was responding to the sounds of spring in the worship. To the sounds of the hungry Bear awakening, to the cry of the dry stump in the ground calling for water. The room opened up and I could see all the way up into the realm of God. Here before us was the bowl full of the prayers of the saints. The bowl was full and ripe with promise, the prayers were like a golden liquid of free flowing honey. As the hosts of heaven watched the bowl began to tip and its contents began to fall out and flow toward the earth. The bowl though flowing seemed to never get any emptier. Fragrance filled the room and Angels from the nations came to watch.
The bowl has tipped in response to the sounds of awakening. I began to think about the consequences of every prayer ever prayed being poured out into the earth. I became undone as I meditated on the cry of a grey haired grandmother praying for her off spring and all those to come. I heard the cries for justice and the shouts of praise. The flow of salvation and healing, for rain, fro worship and for glory. All combined with millions of voices forming the sweet flowing golden liquid flowing and never ending.
I realised the Lord was sending fire & rain, wind & lightnings in spring to wake up the sleeping warriors. He is releasing the spirit of regeneration & Zeal over the forest floor of the Kingdom, sending a cloud of golden glory, liquid fire with the sweet smell of heaven. All who placed themselves under its flow where being baptised in fire. A shout went up in the meeting like the sound of a mighty army shouting in the camp of victory.. New Zealand has become a land of awakening, and just as the process of spring is unstoppable so the flow of the bowls in heaven is now unstoppable the whole earth will soon be in the canopy of its atmosphere. New Zealand is the first place in the earth to see the new day but quickly the day spreads around the globe and the awakening marches across its face the season changes. Shouts of victory will rise from the camp of the Lord.
Awake and arouse yourselves, shine like the breakthrough of glory from the face of God. For the light which sustains itself from the heart of God has come. His glory, the glory of self sustaining light as found in the trinity of God. Darkness may be the cover of the earth but his self sustaining light will overcome the darkness and cause you to shine like Him. So it shall be that the cry of many generations will join with the heart of the self sustaining light of God and his Kingdom will be seen heard and felt like the rains of spring in the earth.
Ian Johnson
His Amazing Glory Ministries
Web-site: www.hisamazinggloryministries.org
ANZAC Israel Tours
Web-site: www.israeltours.co.nz