From passage John 11:1-44
What do you think the true reason is why Jesus wept when Lazarus died?
Was he displaying a heart of compassion, or was he truly grieved because
His people didn't believe in Him, that they didn't trust in His faithfulness
no matter what the situation was. I always felt He cried because He was
displaying a heart of compassion which causes your heart to well up with
tears, but I never thought that maybe the Lord was displaying the heart of
the Father toward His children that just don't trust Him and don't believe
in His faithfulness, His power, and strength.
When I read over these passages concerning Martha and Mary once again,
I could see a different light on the matter, and I could realize how much it
hurts the Father when we don't trust Him. It actually breaks His heart! We
are His children, and He is our Father, and we are to have the faith of a
child and believe every word our Father would say to us and to look at
Him with such a trust knowing that He would help us no matter what, and
that He is strong enough to lift us up out of any situation, and that
anything that He would allow us to go through would be for our good.
Oh, Lord, forgive our unbelief. Forgive us for grieving Your heart when
we show the amount of lack of trust we have in our hearts. Heal us of
having gone through having earthly fathers who didn't display Your heart
toward us for without the proper nurture and admonition we do not grow
and mature in Your love, nor do we learn how to truly love and trust You.
Our earthly fathers have neglected to show us Your love. We choose to
forgive them, and we submit ourselves to you for that deep healing and
restoration so that we can truly grow and mature in Your love.
So many are so very young in You even thought we've walked with You for
many years. We should be at the point of being strong warriors mature in
Your love when many of us are still crawling like a baby or stumbling
around like a toddler. We need You to lift us up and hold us close and
embrace us with the loving faith that we need to overcome the neglect
and abuse of the past. Abba, Father, we need you! We want more of You.
We truly want to grow and mature in You. We are sorry for hurting your
heart and making You cry. We love you, Father, and we truly repent!