I believe it's very important that the Body of Christ understand that we are in a monumental time of shifting. I believe if we shift spiritually and grab hold of the keys of revelation that the Spirit of God has for us today, we will be victorious as we move forward in this season ahead. Here are seven keys to advancing:
1. New Synchronized Moves in a New Administration! Dream!
As the Body of Christ, we have entered a season of new vision. With new vision comes new administration. How will we "add and cooperate" with the ministry of Holy Spirit in the future? We are going through many changes here at Glory of Zion International and with the Global Spheres Center. I felt before the Lord allowed us to move us into our new offices there would be changes He wanted to accomplish. I had a dream last night. In the dream, Rose Flieger, the administrator for our Schools, and I were learning synchronized swimming. They were new, complicated moves. We were in a group of five people and the instructor was teaching us how to move before we went into our next season of demonstration. Rose decided she did not want to learn new moves. When she did that, the swimming pool filled with sewage. What is the Lord saying to us in this? Don't refuse what He is trying to teach you, or else the living water you have been swimming in will become sewage.
2. Creating an Environment for Miracles!
I believe that the Lord is asking us to create an environment for miracles. What does that mean? Most people get frustrated because they have a difficult situation, ask God for a miracle, and then do not see what they were asking for manifested. We are seeing miracles begin to happen. In the past, I have seen miracles manifest, but I believe that we are going to a new level. We are creating an environment for miracles. The Body of Christ must not only take a turn toward healing, but press in for the release of miracles! We have entered into a season where the gift of miracles will be activated in the Body in a new way. Ask the Lord, 'What is a miracle?' We must see a faith activation! The Issachar Anointing and miracles work together! Worship and praise lead us into miracles! The Mashach (Anointing for Miracles) is here today! The more Glory in a place, the more miracles can be conceived. This is why no miracles could be activated and seen in Nazareth! We want to break the Nazareth Syndrome and enter into miracles!
3. Overcoming Religious and Familiar Spirits!
This is a season to overcome religious and familiar spirits. What are religious spirits and how do they work? They are deceptive forces that have labored to stop the progress of the Church throughout the ages. Religion should not be a bad thing if we adhere to the literal meaning, which is to consider "divine" things. Religion has three meanings in the word of God: outward religious service, the feeling of absolute dependence, and the observance of moral law as a divine institution. James 1: 26 & 27 defines religion from the Christian point of view: "If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." Religion is linked with worship. Religion, when pure, is powerful. However, religion is also defined as an organized system of doctrine with an approved pattern of behavior. Behavior has to demonstrate a proper form of worship. This is where we move from pure and undefiled religion to ritual. Demons of doctrines take something that should be pure, and develop dark, spiritual forces, robbing individuals of their freedom to worship a Holy God, leaving them, instead, with only rules and regulations.
I have always been a creative thinker and an expressive worshipper. I have been known throughout the Body of Christ as modern day Prophet that expresses the heart and mind of God. I have always had to maneuver past spirits of religion that would resist the gift of God. Demons hate revelation from God. They resist those gifts in the Body that bring revelatory freedom to the members to the Body. Religion attempts to stone the revelation of apostles and prophets because this revealed Word establishes God's foundation in the Church for this age. I Corinthians 12:28 sets an order of governmental gifts in the Church for victory in the world. That order is "first apostles, second prophets." Religious spirits defy God's order.
Religious spirits can also just deny change! That can make individuals get so routinized, or in a "rut," that they do not want to shift into today's methods for victory. The carnal mind is in enmity with God. Therefore, religious spirits attempt to block strategic thinking for the future. Our mind and process of thought aid the Spirit of God to produce change in the earth. The Lord's disciples had to have revelation of who He was, who they were, and who their enemy was. This is still relevant today. The Pharisees had a choice to either deny the divine nature of God or realign with the expression of His Son. They either had to keep rules in place that prevented any behavioral change in worship, or, begin to worship in Spirit and Truth. Most failed in making the choice that could have changed their lives, their families, and their society. Therefore, in Matthew 16 we find Jesus taking the keys from the scribes and Pharisees of that day and giving them to the future leaders who would defy religion and lead the Church into its future.
4. Going Beyond the Footmen!
Anne Tate came to me this morning and shared the following: "When dressing for work, I felt the Lord was asking me to wear my running horse necklace. Jeremiah 12:5 immediately came to mind: If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? And if [you take to flight] in a land of peace where you feel secure, then what will you do [when you tread the tangled maze of jungle haunted by lions] in the swelling and flooding of the Jordan? AMP The Lord is communicating to us that we are past the place and the time of our enemies being footmen. Our enemies are different in this new season and will require new things of us. In the last season we contended with enemies that were organized and ordered with a certain similarity. However, this season our enemies have the ability to give the illusion of flight and carry the reality of solid weight. Running horses look like they are flying. They occupy a place higher than men. In this season we are not contending with forces that we can physically overpower. It is a physical impossibility for us, as men, to run with horses or compete with them in a race. Just so, it is not possible for us to pick our own path through tangled situations that threaten to overwhelm us circumstantially and devour us. In the season we have just entered, to overcome we will have to learn to gain authority over the wild-things that infest our new territory by seeing from a new perspective over them and riding everything that can be captured and submitted for the purposes of God."
5. A NEW Big Wave Ahead! Can You Ride the Wave!
There is a new wave of God's Spirit coming. This wave is bigger than any that we have known. Carol Boren shared the following: "I had a dream where Bill and I were in a boat and all of a sudden a huge wave, like a wall of water, rose up. The boat began to go straight up the wave. Bill was holding tightly to something so he would not fall out of the boat. He kept thinking that we would get to the top of this wave and then come slamming down. He looked at me and I was just calmly sitting in the seat of the boat taking it all in and enjoying the thrill and wonder of what was happening. Then suddenly we were back in calm water. He looked at me and I said, 'You shouldn't have been so freaked out. I knew this was the Lord doing this!'" What God is Saying: Many will be frightened by the swell of the Spirit of God that is coming. However, the Lord says, 'Stay in the Boat and Ride the Next Wave of My Spirit!'
6. The Last 12.5% Push into Victory!
There is breakthrough and then there is ultimate victory! Remember, David overcame the Philistines, but they regrouped and came against him again. The Lord said, "Here is a new strategy, 'Come from behind! But wait until you hear the sound in the tops of the mulberry trees!'" After many years of war with the Philistines, he finally took the Mother Bridle City in 2 Samuel 8. Don't stop until you overcome all!Many of us have warred to enter, occupy and experience the fullness of our promise. We have warred against unrighteous structures that resist the righteousness of God and us, His people. The time has come to pursue and finish off our enemies so they can no longer raise their hand against us. This is what Gideon did in order to destroy the ravaging grip of the Midianites over them.
7. A New Power to Overcome!
Stay Steadfast in who You Are!
There is a new power being released. The Body is becoming less gullible and learning to discern in new ways! We have a power greater than the world structure that attempts to mold and conform us! Heidi DeHart shared the following dream: I worked in some kind of corporate job. I was working on a project for a specific company. I got a letter asking for private information about that company. When I looked closely at the letter, I realized it was a forgery, so I didn't send the information the forgers wanted. That night, I was sleeping in my parent's house. It didn't look like their house, but it was. I was awakened by two men breaking into my room. One was armed with a sniper type rifle, the other wasn't armed. As soon as I saw them in my room, I began yelling loudly for my parents, telling them there were men in my room. They came in, but just stood there. I felt safer because I wasn't alone.
The unarmed man began to talk with me. He was not threatening; just trying to convince me that I was too "conservative" for the job position I was doing. By conservative, he meant 'Christian'. He wanted me to move into a different position, because I wouldn't compromise the privacy of the company, I was working with.
I said to him, 'But this is America! Our freedom of belief is protected here!' He chuckled, and said something like, 'That's what you think, but that's not really true.' Occasionally, the man with the rifle would shoot me with a green laser. It didn't hurt, but it made me feel numb all over, and I'd sort of fall asleep and wake back up again. I think it was supposed to make me easier to convince.
While he was talking, I realized that the night was full of activity. People's lawns were being peeled back, and huge shipping containers were being dumped into holes under the lawns, and then the grass put back so that everything looked the same in the morning. It was a huge government conspiracy type event, where everything was happening while the people slept, and it all looked normal in the morning.
The unarmed man kept trying to convince me, but I refused to agree to his plan. I began to explain to him that he was going to have a hard time convincing people, when the Kingdom of God was inside of them. It was not a mindset and an attempt to change our identity.
I said to him, "Look, you're going to have trouble changing people's minds, and here is why: God is in heaven. People and Satan are here on Earth. God sent Jesus down to Earth, and Jesus is called 'Emmanuel,' which means 'God with us'." Suddenly my left hand moved like a magnet and the palm connected to the side of his left hand. I heard a sound like a triangle being rung over and over again, and power came from inside of me, down my arm and hand, and into him. All I could say was 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!' and then I woke up.
Use these 7 keys to unlock your future ahead!
Chuck D. Pierce