Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pathetic or Prophetic


Pathetic or Prophetic

We need to raise up the standard in today's prophetic ministry. Much that is being posted online is a poor example of what the Lord intends prophetic ministry to be. Too often we are reading warnings that are not coming to pass. Yes, intercession does change things but when one declares on a certain date that something will happen with a thus saith the Lord and it does not happen, it is not God. How hard is it to see this? We make excuses and are often not using the Word of God as our prophetic boundary. It is the only standard for the prophetic word and we see clearly that there are guidelines for us so that we might function in the body of Christ and maintain prophetic integrity. God has spoken clearly that the prophets are to speak two or three and that the others are to judge. Yet, it seems to ruffle many feathers when one judges the prophetic word. We are not to judge the prophet but we are to judge the prophetic word.

Daily we read warning after warning of things that are going to come to pass and these warnings are bringing much fear into the body of Christ. God is not the author of confusion and fear is created, especially in the hearts of young, or immature believers. The prophetic word is to edify, exhort and comfort and we need to look and see in each word if there is that scarlet ribbon flowing through it. Do we hear the voice of God? Often people have been wounded and in prophesying from a broken heart they can prophesy wrongly out of that hurt and we need to see the pure prophetic word from the heart of the Father.

How does a Father speak to His children? He is love and speaks the truth in love. It will not always be a word that is sweet and sugary because sometimes we need to be corrected but it will be done with the utmost love and not bat someone over the head with the Word of God. You might think that many do need to be hit over the head but this is not the heart of the Father. Gods words have a clear sound! A sound that will be so clear that the believer will say, "that is my Father speaking". God is longing to speak to His children if only His children would come aside they would hear from Him. If only they would take time at His feet they would hear His voice. God is longing to talk to you! He is longing for you to come and sit with Him for He wants to speak into your Spirit. Will you take time aside with Father so that He can speak to your heart? Brokenness will be healed, tears dried and new joy and zeal will come into the life of one that is willing to sit at His feet.

God is saying it is enough with the doom and gloom because there is a Word straight from the heart of the Father that will come forth in love and will edify, exhort and comfort. Yes, it may warn also of danger ahead and at times God's prophets will warn the body of the need to pray, but it will not be a word that will devastate you but instead it will draw you to Him and encourage you to come running to Jesus and into the prayer closet. At times God may also warn His intercessors of things to come but it is for His body to pray and these warnings should not bring fear. Instead they should bring forth faith and the need to pray.

It is time for those of you that are called to or in prophetic ministry to come higher. Food that is fit for the King is to be served and it is found after spending time in His presence. Come into the presence of the King and find food to serve God's people that is prophetic and not pathetic. There is fresh food from the Fathers heart available for those that are willing to pay the price of waiting on Him. Come aside and wait on Me and I will speak to you. Come aside and draw from the well that never runs dry. Come higher and draw ever nearer to Me and you will hear Me, says the Lord.