Saturday, February 26, 2011

That Is Not Your Door To Enter! by Adrienne Williams

That Is Not Your Door To Enter!
by Adrienne Williams
Friday, February 25, 2011

People of God, make no mistake in understanding that God CAN and WILL open doors for YOU that NO MAN can shut as long as your motives are pure. However, we must fully understand that the door which may be opened unto YOU is for YOU and NOT for everybody else!

Apparently many in the body of Christ do not understand that concept because I see an increased pattern of people trying to "undermine" and take advantage of others by attempting to walk (or maybe I should say PUSH) their way through doors that may not have been pre-destined by God for them to walk through!

In simplicity, they are attempting to build their ministries on another's foundation instead of building on the foundation of Jesus and allowing GOD to open doors. The true intent and heart of man is presently being exposed through instances such as these. If a door has not been unlocked specifically for you to go through, you WILL NOT be able to get through it without granted access.

In other words, your access WILL be denied because you are attempting to enter ILLEGALLY! People of God, it is TIME OUT for people trying to step on AND over others just to build a ministry. It is time out for allowing the spirit of deception and manipulation (witchcraft) to come in and rule. If we are using tactics such as these just for the sake of building a ministry then we must stop and ask ourselves, "Who are we REALLY building for?"

When you move in a manner such as this, what you will find is that the same people that you tried to go around, through, over and behind to try and get through that door are going to be the SAME people that you WILL need to get through the door! Remember, character and integrity is vital to us as Kingdom ambassadors as well as vital to the life of your ministry. We need to learn to do things the correct way or don't do it all! This is for the glory of our Father and NOT our own glory!

Grace, peace and blessings,

Apostle Adrienne Williams