Sunday, March 13, 2011

by Mary Lindow through Holy Spirit - “ I Have Anointed You Even in Times of Sorrow”

“ I Have Anointed You Even in Times of Sorrow”

by Mary Lindow through the Holy Spirit

As the days begin to change and the seasons take their course,
so am I also beginning to adjust the path you have been treading out.

"I have been keeping track of all of your sorrows,
Collecting them and all of your tears in a bottle.
I have written down your tearful sorrows in My journal."
Psalm 56:8

Many have passed you by on the road of sorrow that you have had to bear, too busy to stop and comfort, too concerned about what others might think of your condition. Others are only focused on their own forms of grief and have yet to learn to comfort others in their weariness and tiredness.

"I have encouraged all of you when others are happy,
Be happy with them!
If they are sad, share their sorrow."
Romans 12:15

Even the Samaritan, one least likely to reach out, stopped and cared for the man battered, hurt and sorrowful, left on the road.

Many who claim spiritual piety and goodness turn their heads and hearts
when they see another brother or sister aching in sorrow or tragedy.

Let it not be heard about you my child in the heavenly realm, that you protected your own comforts or your own position and turned away from a brother or sister in their prolonged agony.

I have been testing the hearts of many who lay claim to a willingness to do anything I ask of them, but sadly then ...
...“Pass by on the other side" in order to avoid involvement with what "appears to be" one who is struggling or failing.
As you do to others, so in your time of need will it be done to you!

I your faithful redeemer have heard the heart wrenching cries from your prayers and I am even now giving you strength and empowerment to stay firm and continue to believe that I will restore all to you that has been shattered, stolen, or shamed!

"It is God who gives us, along with you,
the ability to stand firm for Christ has commissioned us,
He anointed us!"
2 Corinthians 1:21

I have anointed you even in this season of sorrow!

...I will bring a fresh and pure expression of Godly living and giving into the earth through those we who see that they are being prepared as good Samaritans, and who themselves are also being cared for by others who require nothing in repayment.

Many are hearing my voice calling to them to bring relief to those
who have been faithful in obeying my voice, but have been persecuted heavily for doing so!

Obey my command quickly! Act now!
Bless them, help them heal, providing for them like I would!
You will be greatly rewarded for this effort.

"As you give them even a cup of cold water in my name,
you have done it for Me!"
Matthew 10:42

As you have been faithful to believe that I have better plans and a better way than the schemes of men,
very very soon I will wipe away your bitter tears and despair.

You have begun to understand what it
is to fellowship with My sufferings!

In the days ahead, you will also share in the first fruits of harvest.

"God, who has called you into fellowship
with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful."
1 Corinthians 1:9


You will see that the time of sorrow and weeping will pass,
and a breaking through
into the greater plan for you is in motion.
I have been into the future for I AM all that you will need.

Your one simple act of obedience sets into motion...
...waves of my redemptive grace,
and pure holy cleansing.
The Nations are waiting for those who will only speak
out of clean motives and pure hearts.

I have prepared you for this time in the earth,
and I will fulfill all I have planned concerning you.

Enter in by humbling yourself further by doing simple acts of
mercy and selfless giving.

Remaining anointed…

… Even in times of sorrow.

Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed
provided that complete source and website information
for Mary Lindow is included.

Thank You
Copyright © 2011 " THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow