Saturday, December 5, 2009

Use Wisdom In Online Ministry!



It is imperative that those in internet ministry walk with caution, before taking the step of meeting those you meet online in person. You need to know someone by the Spirit of God. God does not want His children walking in fear and for every treasure of His Kingdom you meet online the enemy also has counterfeits there waiting to cause difficulties for the people of God. Why am I writing of this? It is because of late I have heard of several incidences online and we need to love people enough to warn them. Some have gone off to other countries and then the one they were to meet turned out not to be genuine. Walk with caution toward those that are without and redeem the time because the days are evil. God will reveal the hearts of people to you, if you will just ask Him beloved. It is time to bring those that you fellowship with before the Lord if you have any doubts. Do not fear what you will hear, but trust that God does have your best interest at heart. I must say I have met some very lasting friendships online and they are treasures sent from heaven that daily speak into My life. We need to discern in this hour and the discerning of spirits will keep us from harm. Enjoy your time meeting Divine connections, pray over them and if there is anything that needs revealing the Lord will reveal it to you. That little nagging doubt might just be the Lord warning you to walk with caution so pray daily for wisdom as you do your online ministry. smile. The internet is a great avenue to advance the Kingdom of God when we use it wisely and keep within the boundaries of the Word of God. smile.

14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm. May the Lord repay him according to his works. 15 You also must beware of him, for he has greatly resisted our words. 2 Timothy 4:14 (NKJV)