Sunday, December 27, 2009

2010 A Year Of Increase!

2010 A Year Of Increase

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

I God is saying that 2010 will bring increase to the body of Christ. The Lord is looking for those that will become less that He might become more! He must increase but you must decrease. Be willing to pay the price for the Kingdom of God.

This is a year of opportunity. Do not miss it! Love your neighbor as yourself. My mercies are new every morning. Each new day is a gift of life and you must redeem the time and take hold of every opportunity.

Present Christ and Him crucified. Remember My death till I come. Be willing to take up your cross and follow Me. Count the cost in your decision making. Wage this war wisely! In the multitude of counselors there is safety. Value the body of Christ and allow those that are trusted to speak into your life. No man is an island unto himself so partake of the wisdom in My corporate body especially from those that walk as fathers and mothers for you will gain much and advance quickly as you heed the wisdom of those that have gone before you.

Walk a repentant walk and do not let the sun go down on your wrath. Realize that you can of your own self do nothing! You will come to a fresh realization this year that you are powerless without Me. Hunger for My resurrection power in your life! Take time and examine your heart regularly for out of it flow the issues of life. I am the strength and power in your life and will flow through you as you surrender to Me. True riches are knowing Me, and fellow shipping with those in My Kingdom.

If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. (NKJV)

This is the year to evangelize and bring the lost into My Kingdom. There are those of you that are called to do the work of an evangelist! This is the year for the backslider to come home. Call them in and be willing to go and get them. I am not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Pray them into the Kingdom. Many prodigals will come home this year! Rejoice in Me for that which I am doing and you will see it come to pass, for I am the God of salvation. It is time to enter into the joy of your salvation! Pray that you do not enter into temptation but keep your guard up and build up a moral wall against sin.

A I am your Abba Father!!! The anchor of your soul. Make sure you have anchored yourself in Me. I am the rock and the one that will keep you from drifting. My Word is the sure place to drop anchor! Be anchored in My Word and drink from it! Apply it to your life! Spend time with Me and I will reveal the secrets in My Word to you. It will cost you your time and those of you that are thirsty can come and drink without money. Increase your time in the Word for you will not survive without it. You are anointed! Walk in faith and do not waver! I will take you to a new level as you press into Me for My Kingdom purposes. Be about your Father's business.

Stay in the safety of My body and pray for Divine connections. Expect to find them and I will connect you with those of like precious faith. There are those that I will set on your path for My purposes and you will know that they are placed there by Me. There is safety in numbers and the body of Christ needs to be praying for unity and you will find Me there in the midst of even two or three that come together in My name. Do not look to the building for My body is a moving, living, breathing body filled with My Spirit! Pray for the safety of My body worldwide. This is also the year of an increased attack of the enemy and you need to stand in intercession and guard one another. Pray for those in authority over you that you may live a quiet peaceful and godly life. Be on your post praying for the safety of those in the church, those abroad and for your Nation. Pray for the Nation of Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. There is power in the name of Jesus over all power of the enemy. The effectual fervent pray of a righteous man avails much. You will overcome the increased tests and trials as you trust fully in Me! Walk in confidence and your victory will be assured!

Do all things with My eternal purposes in Mind. Exalt My name! Open your eyes and ears and hear what the Spirit is saying to the church! Discern the times and the season you are living in! The hour is late and the time is short and you need to be about My business! The enemy makes loud sounds but he knows that his time is indeed short. He is a defeated foe and you have been given authority in My name and the keys of the Kingdom to defeat him. Use those keys wisely for they have been given to you. Many expect that I will do the work but I have given you the keys to use so use them with the authority I have given you. There are those that are willing to step up to the plate and who want to bring glory to My name. They will be used for My Kingdom purposes. It is not those that are looking to build their name but those that will lift up mine that will be used. The doors to the Kingdom are open and it is time to come in and be about your Father's business. I will move in those that will walk in holiness so be willing to pay the price that it will cost to walk in the power of the Lord your God. It is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord that increase will come to the Kingdom of God.