Saturday, December 5, 2009

I Am Raising You Up!

I Am Raising You Up!

I am taking you and raising you up and I will do the necessary work in you. Many have been raised up before My perfect timing and then cannot handle the pressures of Ministry. I am taking you and raising you up. Here a little there a little line upon line I have been teaching you the Word of God. You see your character must be fully formed before the pressures of ministry hit for they will hit when you are out there and I do not want that which you do for Me to be a stumbling block but I want to use you as one that will speak and stand as My representative to My people. You are that gift to the body and I have been building you from the inside out and you are being stabilized in all areas of your life. Just continue to come close to Me and seek Me and do not be drawn away by the flattering words of many for they will come and I have told you before about them. I am teaching you and I will be the one to raise you up. You have said that you want to be a prophet that will speak the whole counsel of God. I have heard your cry to be My prophet rather than a popular prophet and prophet of God I will grant the desire of your heart. Not many are truly willing to minister minus the limelight and you are one that is willing to do so and I will honour this. Prophet of God I hear your voice, I see your cries and know your heart and all that is within. I am raising you up. Indeed I am speaking to you and you know My voice and I am doing an even greater work in your life. Trust Me and know that I will do what is best for you and you will continue to be that willing vessel to speak My Words. Be instant in season and out for doors to open even in that area where you are for the days are coming when you will come out of your cave and speak the Word of the Lord publically. It will begin slowly and be increased in the days to come. Fear not for you will be known as a true prophet of the Lord who will speak My Words and they will not fall to the ground.