Sunday, December 27, 2009



The Lord wants to remind you that the things you go through in this life are only temporal but that the things He has prepared for those He loves are eternal. When you are fighting the battle remember that it is producing in you a far more eternal weight of glory. Christ is being perfected in you! Little by little you are being changed into His image. You are being changed from glory to glory and the greater glory will one day be seen in those that are willing to pay the price to carry it! In that day you will touch many lives so hold on to this during this season of trial and pruning. All things work together for good because you love Me and you will one day do the greater works!

17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. Isaiah 65:17

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12

17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Cor. 4:17-18 (NKJV)

2010 A Year Of Increase!

2010 A Year Of Increase

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

I God is saying that 2010 will bring increase to the body of Christ. The Lord is looking for those that will become less that He might become more! He must increase but you must decrease. Be willing to pay the price for the Kingdom of God.

This is a year of opportunity. Do not miss it! Love your neighbor as yourself. My mercies are new every morning. Each new day is a gift of life and you must redeem the time and take hold of every opportunity.

Present Christ and Him crucified. Remember My death till I come. Be willing to take up your cross and follow Me. Count the cost in your decision making. Wage this war wisely! In the multitude of counselors there is safety. Value the body of Christ and allow those that are trusted to speak into your life. No man is an island unto himself so partake of the wisdom in My corporate body especially from those that walk as fathers and mothers for you will gain much and advance quickly as you heed the wisdom of those that have gone before you.

Walk a repentant walk and do not let the sun go down on your wrath. Realize that you can of your own self do nothing! You will come to a fresh realization this year that you are powerless without Me. Hunger for My resurrection power in your life! Take time and examine your heart regularly for out of it flow the issues of life. I am the strength and power in your life and will flow through you as you surrender to Me. True riches are knowing Me, and fellow shipping with those in My Kingdom.

If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. (NKJV)

This is the year to evangelize and bring the lost into My Kingdom. There are those of you that are called to do the work of an evangelist! This is the year for the backslider to come home. Call them in and be willing to go and get them. I am not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Pray them into the Kingdom. Many prodigals will come home this year! Rejoice in Me for that which I am doing and you will see it come to pass, for I am the God of salvation. It is time to enter into the joy of your salvation! Pray that you do not enter into temptation but keep your guard up and build up a moral wall against sin.

A I am your Abba Father!!! The anchor of your soul. Make sure you have anchored yourself in Me. I am the rock and the one that will keep you from drifting. My Word is the sure place to drop anchor! Be anchored in My Word and drink from it! Apply it to your life! Spend time with Me and I will reveal the secrets in My Word to you. It will cost you your time and those of you that are thirsty can come and drink without money. Increase your time in the Word for you will not survive without it. You are anointed! Walk in faith and do not waver! I will take you to a new level as you press into Me for My Kingdom purposes. Be about your Father's business.

Stay in the safety of My body and pray for Divine connections. Expect to find them and I will connect you with those of like precious faith. There are those that I will set on your path for My purposes and you will know that they are placed there by Me. There is safety in numbers and the body of Christ needs to be praying for unity and you will find Me there in the midst of even two or three that come together in My name. Do not look to the building for My body is a moving, living, breathing body filled with My Spirit! Pray for the safety of My body worldwide. This is also the year of an increased attack of the enemy and you need to stand in intercession and guard one another. Pray for those in authority over you that you may live a quiet peaceful and godly life. Be on your post praying for the safety of those in the church, those abroad and for your Nation. Pray for the Nation of Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. There is power in the name of Jesus over all power of the enemy. The effectual fervent pray of a righteous man avails much. You will overcome the increased tests and trials as you trust fully in Me! Walk in confidence and your victory will be assured!

Do all things with My eternal purposes in Mind. Exalt My name! Open your eyes and ears and hear what the Spirit is saying to the church! Discern the times and the season you are living in! The hour is late and the time is short and you need to be about My business! The enemy makes loud sounds but he knows that his time is indeed short. He is a defeated foe and you have been given authority in My name and the keys of the Kingdom to defeat him. Use those keys wisely for they have been given to you. Many expect that I will do the work but I have given you the keys to use so use them with the authority I have given you. There are those that are willing to step up to the plate and who want to bring glory to My name. They will be used for My Kingdom purposes. It is not those that are looking to build their name but those that will lift up mine that will be used. The doors to the Kingdom are open and it is time to come in and be about your Father's business. I will move in those that will walk in holiness so be willing to pay the price that it will cost to walk in the power of the Lord your God. It is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord that increase will come to the Kingdom of God.



The Lord understands loneliness. There are some of you today that are lonely and the Lord wants you to know that you are loved! There are many of your brothers and sisters who are also in this position today. Life has not worked out the way they planned. The Lord wants you to know that He sees you right where you are and He wants to comfort you! He is the God of all comfort and will heal you everywhere you are hurting. This is a time for you to see your value and worth and know that as a child of God, He has an avenue to comfort you. His Word is there for you. Take that step, open it up and begin to read. In it are hidden treasures that will satisfy you like the best meal. You will know that you are rich as you spend time with Him. Open the Word, feast on it and you will be filled! Your weeping will be turned into joy in the presence of the Lord.

For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5 (NKJV)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Be Careful Little Children What You Read!


The body of Christ needs to line up its mouth with My Word! There is much that is spoken, even to one another, that does not edify. Beloved, you are the head and NOT the tail, ABOVE and not beneath. There is NO condemnation to those which are in Christ Jesus. Lift up your eyes and see the victories ahead. Many have been programmed by past hurts and speak out of those hurts. Be careful little children what you read! Take in only that which EDIFIES and do not take in that which is spoken by the enemy. There are many voices but you must heed My voice. It is My voice that will lead and guide you home. Rejoice that you are a child of the King!!! Rejoice in Me this day for you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Praise Me and trust Me and do not take in that which brings fear and condemnation for it is not of Me, says the Lord.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)

13 And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them. 14 So you shall not turn aside from any of the words which I command you this day, to the right or the left, to go after other gods to serve them. Deut. 28:13-14 (NKJV)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Torch Has Been Passed On!



Oral Roberts has gone home and the torch has been passed on. As an olympic runner runs so I would have you to run the race. Do not stop but run the race set before you!!! The old guard is going home to their heavenly home and you are being called to arise and step up to the plate. Run for the gold Beloved!!! Run for the gold!!! I am taking you and preparing you for the race of your lifetime. It is one where you will go to the finish line!!! Do not look back but look straight ahead. The starting gate has been opened and you need to run with great zeal! Stop often for refreshing and then step back into the race and move ahead! Do not look to the left or to the right but run the race set before you. Those that run the race drop off those things that are not necessary and you must do likewise. Drop off the cares of this world! Drop off the sin that so easily besets you! Drop off all that hinders your walk with Me.

Take the torch and run with it! The mantle is heavy and I will help you to carry it but you must drop all else that hinders your ability to run. It may be family members that are hindering you. it may be finances! It may be anything that takes you away from Me. You need to run with great diligence now, for you are in the end time and the race is now close to the finish line. Run child run. Run with zeal and in the power of My Spirit you will do great things, says the Lord.

1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 (NKJV)

The Lord Is Calling YOU!!!


The Lord Is Calling YOU!

I hear the Lord saying, that many of the old guard have gone home. Many were faithful in prayer and intercession and now those places are vacant and need to be filled. The call is going out!!! God is looking for intercessors to stand in the gap and fill these places in His kingdom. Time is short and intercession needs to be going up before the Father.

My hand is moved by the prayers and intercession of My people!!! IT IS TIME to pray and intercede for the Nations! IT IS TIME to be found faithful in your intercession! IT IS TIME to pray for your families! IT IS TIME to pray for those in authority over you that you may live a quiet, peaceful and Godly life. IT IS TIME to intercede and see the hand of God move on your behalf. IT IS TIME to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. IT IS TIME to pray and not be distracted with the cares of this world. IT IS TIME to pray!!! It is not the time to be about your own business but to be busy about mine. IT IS TIME and the call is going out in the land.

Come and take time with Me. I long for you to spend time with Me and desire our fellowship together. Much has kept you from Me and I am a jealous God and jealous over you with Godly jealously. IT IS TIME to pray and seek My face. You have power to bombard the heavens and see answers to your prayers. You have not because you ask not. If you knew the power of one who spends time in the prayer closet you would spend more time there! I am calling all of those that are mine into the prayer closet. This does not seem like an exciting word and will not with many but it is what needs to be said. My people perish because of a lack of knowledge. My people do not hear Me. Many hear about Me but have never gotten to know Me personally.

I am soon returning and many of you think that you will have eternity with Me in heaven when you have not spent but a moment with Me on the earth. This is the time for you to GET TO KNOW ME, from the least to the greatest. Fellowship with Me for I am drawing you by My Spirit. Hunger for Me and thirst for Me and you will be filled. Pray for hunger, pray for thirst and I will fill you, says the Lord.

CALL OUT TO ME and I will answer you! CALL OUT TO ME on behalf of your loved ones and I will save them! CALL OUT TO ME for Divine appointments and I will give them to you. CALL OUT for the lost!!! CALL OUT for the newly saved! CALL OUT for the sick and the dying and for those that need to be delivered. My hand is not shortened that it cannot save.

My eye is going to and fro in the earth and I am looking for intercessors. I am looking into each heart and seeing if I might find a place there to rest and perform My Word. I AM CALLING YOU!!! Beloved I am calling you to dig deeper and do not stop, but be that intercessor. Most do not pray! Most do not intercede! Most are lazy in the Spirit and do not do the will of the Father. I AM CALLING , I AM CALLING I AM CALLING YOU. Beloved stop the things that are not needful and pray. Stop the long hours online that many of you spend there and seek Me. Many of you are so busy in this season. Stop! Stop! Stop and take time with Me. Many of you are so distracted! Many of you spend time in front of a god of this world, the television but you have no time for Me. I am calling you! TAKE TIME WITH ME!!! Take the time while you have the time. The day of great trials and tribulation will come and you will of desired to have had time with Me. You are being called this night. There are those that will go home and they have not spent time with Me. Take time now to search your hearts. Take time and do not fear what I will show you but repent and do your first works. I am a jealous God and I desire you to be like the church of Philadelphia. Their love for Me was good in my sight. Many of your churches are like open graves and there is no love. Many of you do not love your brother. This is a call to intercession. This is call to love one another! When I return will you be found faithful?

I am calling. I am calling. I am calling you to repentance. Come. It is a time of great shaking and it is close to My returning. Will I return and find that you have been found faithful? Will I return and find faith in the earth? You are being called to be that intercessor!!! Will you answer yes to the call? Answer yes to the call because I am calling you and for no other reason, says the Lord.

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30

Pray For The Church In Great Britain

Pray For The Church In Great Britain

I am aligning those that are mine in Great Britain. Right now it seems that the church is taking a direct hit but I the Lord am standing with those that are truly mine. I will never leave or forsake them. There is persecution that has come to the land and it has just begun and will manifest in its fullness against the true believer. Pray for My true church that they will arise and be all I have called them to be. Pray that their faith fail not and that they will strengthen their brethren.

31And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
32But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

(Let us lift up the arms of our brothers and sisters in Great Britain. This is what the Lord gave to me after a believer in Great Britain sharing their heart with me)

A Call To Repentance And Intercession!


The day of the Lord is coming swiftly and every knee will bow before the Lord!!! It is time to bring the lost into My Kingdom. The call is going out, bring them in. Go into your towns and cities and bring in the lost for many are yet to come into the Kingdom of God. This is a time of great darkness and it is a time that is not going to get brighter except for the coming of the Son of Man. I am seeking to save those that are lost and open the prison doors to those that are bound. Go and bring them in! It is time to intercede! It is time for YOU to intercede! Many read about intercession but do not intercede and many of you have been called as intercessors in the house of God. Many of you need to take your place on the wall. YOU are being called to take your place on the wall! Many of you spend more times before your television sets and your computers then you do in intercession! Things will change for you when you change!

You are being called beloved! Hear the call of the Lord! The Spirit of God is saying, that the enemy is at the door. He has invaded your towns and cities and he occupies a large place in your homes. Your governments are full of filth and I have called you to turn your face toward Me for I Am the only one who can change things. Your nations are perverse and your children are being brought up in the ways of the world. Only I can change things and your children will be lost if you do not bend your will and pray for them. Parents it is time to come out of Egypt and your children will follow the Lord. It is time to bend your will and come to Me in openness and honesty and repent of your secret sins and you see that I will save your household. How can you expect your children to do right when you do that which is evil in the eyes of the Lord. I am calling you to repentance America. America I am calling you to repentance on a large scale. Your eyes have been darkened that you do not see. I say to you awaken and I will give you light. Your ears will hear and you will see a Divine turnaround if you seek My face. I am calling the least to the greatest as I did in the days of Jonah. He was called to Nineveh to turn them toward Me. It is time to fast and pray and seek My face and see if I will not do a good and quick work in the land.

December 10, 2009
through Patricia Hamel

Thursday, December 10, 2009


God Chose You Before The Foundation Of The World!!!

Paul was a special messenger, a true apostle of Christ Jesus, chosen by the Divine will of God. He laboured for the Kingdom of God and was on the cutting edge of what the Lord was doing. His goal was to further the Kingdom of God. He was an exhorter and encourager who wrote to the church at Ephesus, to those who were SET-APART, FAITHFUL AND STEADFAST in the work of the Lord. Yet, they needed to be reminded of who they were in Christ. It is with the heart of the Father that you are reminded today that you are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ and that you are seated in heavenly places. As Paul reminded the church in his day of these things and we too need to be reminded of who we are in Christ.

Let the Lord stir your heart today! Let His Spirit arise in you and encourage yourself to continue in the race set before you. Keep running at a steady pace and do not slow down except for time of refreshing in the Lord. The long distance runner only stops for his water (the Word of God) and then continues running the race until the finish line.

When you got up this morning did you say, “I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. This is a new day and I am seated in heavenly places”! Most do not get up with this in their heart and yet we need to be reminded that we are seated in heavenly places in Christ. We need to operate from this realm in the Spirit and not accept anything less in our walk with the Lord.

Circumstances are screaming right now and many are looking at them and crying out and not knowing where to turn. You need to pray for fresh vision today!!! YOU ARE SEATED IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST!!! Glory!!! This should make your Spirit soar when you realized that you are called to soar like an eagle and not walk around like a turkey.

You were chosen before the foundation of the world. Yes, God had a plan that included you before the foundation of the world. He knew where you would be this day and knows all your thoughts and even the intents of your heart. How glorious!!! How wonderful!!! God knows right where you are today!

His plan for your life is perfect! He is wanting to reveal His plans and purposes to you. They are not all revealed at once but here a little there a little line upon line they will be revealed. For those of you who have raised children you remember that you could not put all of the blessings in front of them at once, but often you would say, Lord willing when you are a little bigger we will do this and that. God has given you EXCEEDING GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISES that by them you might be partaker of His Divine nature. You will not taste and eat all of those promises at once but little by little you will chew on them and digest them until they become fruit in your life. Those promises are for you!!! Praise God!!! Look at those promises today and see what God is speaking to you for this day. Take one and chew on it and you will taste and see that the Lord He is good and He is God. There is none other like Him!!!

His plans and purposes for your life are going to be revealed. Perhaps they have been revealed to you and you are fighting the battle of your life and feeling that you are giving in to discouragement. This is not is not the time to quit!!! It is the time to press in and go on and take all that He has for you. You are a part of this end time battle and He is equipping you for His purposes. Fit in with His plan and let Him equip you fully so that you are fully dressed within, in your battle array. We are in the end times and fighting a war that cannot be fought with conventional purposes but one that must be fought with the Divine strategies of the Word of God. He is our commander and chief and will show us that which we must do daily in following Him. Prepare beloved, prepare for that which the Lord has called you to do and remember that you are seated in heavenly places in Christ. You are called today to soar like an eagle. Come aside with Him and be refreshed with His refreshing! Let the Word of God give you renewed strength. But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. God has promised this to you and you must take hold of this promises and war, then soar with them. You are called to be an eagle and so must come higher into the presence of the Lord.

Stand fast beloved and do not look back! Do not look at things that are temporal for the enemy is seeking to distract you but look at the things that are eternal. Look at the Kingdom of God and realize that you are a part of God’s end time plan. The bride is arising from her slumber slowly and when you realize all you can be you will let Me do a work in your life! Let Me equip you, stabilize you and keep you standing untouched by this world. Stand in the liberty where Christ has made you free and do not be entangled with a yolk of bondage. Freedom is yours, war for it and stand where I have called you and having done all stand in the power of the Lord. I will bring each one of you to maturity and that maturity comes from knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the only true and living God and Jesus is My name.

Soon He will consummate all things in Christ. Take the inheritance He left to you in His last will and testament and appropriate it by faith. He is the only one that died on the cross and was raised from the dead and who will come again and know what you have done with His last will and testament. Let us take the Word of God and run the race with it today. Let us say like Paul, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

Behold He comes quickly!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Use Wisdom In Online Ministry!



It is imperative that those in internet ministry walk with caution, before taking the step of meeting those you meet online in person. You need to know someone by the Spirit of God. God does not want His children walking in fear and for every treasure of His Kingdom you meet online the enemy also has counterfeits there waiting to cause difficulties for the people of God. Why am I writing of this? It is because of late I have heard of several incidences online and we need to love people enough to warn them. Some have gone off to other countries and then the one they were to meet turned out not to be genuine. Walk with caution toward those that are without and redeem the time because the days are evil. God will reveal the hearts of people to you, if you will just ask Him beloved. It is time to bring those that you fellowship with before the Lord if you have any doubts. Do not fear what you will hear, but trust that God does have your best interest at heart. I must say I have met some very lasting friendships online and they are treasures sent from heaven that daily speak into My life. We need to discern in this hour and the discerning of spirits will keep us from harm. Enjoy your time meeting Divine connections, pray over them and if there is anything that needs revealing the Lord will reveal it to you. That little nagging doubt might just be the Lord warning you to walk with caution so pray daily for wisdom as you do your online ministry. smile. The internet is a great avenue to advance the Kingdom of God when we use it wisely and keep within the boundaries of the Word of God. smile.

14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm. May the Lord repay him according to his works. 15 You also must beware of him, for he has greatly resisted our words. 2 Timothy 4:14 (NKJV)

The Deborah Anointing


I am bringing forth the Deborah anointing and you will speak a word in season to one that is in need of Divine justice. That word will come as a liberating word and you will speak into their life and that word will be used as a liberating force that will set them free. You will speak the Word of the Lord and the captives will be set free. Prison doors will be opened and those that are bound will be freed. Step out in faith and speak and declare a thing and you will see it come to pass. You will see as you declare My Word that it shall vibrate through the heavens and bring forth fruit. The fruit of My Kingdom is being born in your life. Speak the Word of the Lord and speak justice into situations even in your home. The Word of the Lord is a word of justice tempered with mercy. I am always doing work that is tempered with mercy. I am a God of mercy and you have known my mercy and shall share that mercy with others. There are those that judge without mercy and you shall judge situations with the mercy of God. Many shall fear you but many will come to know that the love I have placed in your heart for them will cover the firmness with which you speak. The word in your mouth will be a firm word but it will always be tempered with My love. I am moving and I am blessing your faithfulness, says the Lord.

24Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. John 7:24

Your Joy Is Being Restored!


I am restoring joy to you! You have been through many trials and lost your joy but it is being restored to you this day. Reach out and take it for it is yours and this fruit will be made manifest in your life. Never again will the enemy be able to take your joy for you shall guard it like a treasure. It is a Kingdom treasure and the fruit of one that walks with Me. Many have been robbed of their joy due to difficult circumstances but the joy of the Lord is your strength. I am pocketing it within your heart and as you sing to Me it will be restored seven fold for that the enemy has taken from you. Rejoice this day and praise My name and let the joy of the Lord be your strength now and forever.

10Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

Uncharted Territory


You have now entered uncharted territory and will need to flow by My Spirit to continue through these rough waters. I am your captain and will lead you one step at a time! Look to Me your light house and I will guide you through to the other side! Be encouraged for I am encouraging you to continue on and press in. You did not think I would let you settle for less than I have for you even if it means laying it all down that I might be all in and to you! I am the all sufficient one, your strength in weakness. Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Rest in Me! Trust in Me and let Me do all in and through you! I am leading you and you have done well. The mantle you carry is a heavy one and your destiny will only be fulfilled by the power of My Spirit. Flesh cannot complete the task set before you. You do not yet see in full what I have prepared for you! You have not yet seen the power that I will have you flow in and the breaking is still taking place in this season. You have been broken many times for My purposes and been broken again and again. This is yet another breaking of the vessel that the best wine will flow from you. Pure wine, new wine flowing from sanctified lips is what I am asking from all of mine in this hour. You have a high calling and must not settle for less than sitting at the Masters table and being My friend. You are My friend if you do what I have called you to do, so look forward and do not look back. Swim with accuracy to the other side.

Does God Have A Word For You?


Have you ever had someone come and say, "do you have a word for me". God is wanting to address this subject. There can be a danger in coming to someone and asking if they have a Word for you. God is always speaking but we need to be able to hear Him ourselves. We do not have our own personal prophets and it is a sign of immaturity in the one who is always asking for a prophetic word. When we know our God, we will know that we can come to Him and He will speak to us. First and foremost He will speak through the written Word. Have you ever had a scripture just pop off the pages and you said, Oh! that was just for me, That was a Rhema word for you from God and just as sound as one from the mouth of the prophet.

I am not saying that God will not use a prophet to speak to you and does many times in our lifetime. Those times are precious and one needs to cherish the prophetic words spoken to them over the years My heart was so excited the first time I received a prophetic Word. There are those times that you go to a meeting and just know that God has a word for you. Those times are wonderful. God very much wants to speak into our lives! There are times God will have already spoken to you and a Word from a prophet will confirm that which He has already spoken to you or it may be something God wants you to hear that you have not yet heard. His Words will edify, exhort and comfort you and they can also be used to give you fresh vision and direction. He will always confirm these Words to your heart for in the mouth of two or three witnesses is everything established.

One prophet shared that on a rare occasion the Lord had him hold back from giving a word to the person as they had not bothered to seek the Lord and read His Word. God showed him this and he was led by the Lord not to prophecy to that person. This is the exception rather than the rule. Smile.

On occasion we can run too hard after "a word" from someone and in being so desperate to receive one, (this often happens online) one can end up going to the wrong person and receive that which is not from the Lord. We need to DISCERN who is speaking so that the enemy does not make inroads into our life through the wrong person. There are those that should be speaking into your life and most often that will come out of RELATIONSHIP/ FELLOWSHIP. There are those times too that God will have you go to a meeting or bring a prophet across your path to speak to you and these times are wonderful. You may read a word online that is a Rhema Word for you. It is like God sent it just for you to read. These are special moments and we must treasure the true prophetic Word. It is however never elevated above scripture.

Some send out emails and just say to people, do you have a word for me. Yes, God does have a word for you and it is in His written Word. Let the written Word speak to you and Holy Spirit quicken it to your heart. It will be a Rhema word for this time and season. Take time to dig into the treasury of God's Word. We are all have moments in our life that we just desperately need to hear from the Lord. smile. So...let us love the prophetic word but seek Him first and His righteousness and it (the prophetic word ) will be added to you. Trust the Lord that when you are in need of hearing Him through the prophetic Word that He will send His servant your way and speak that which is needed into your life.

Worship Me In Spirit And In Truth!!!

Worship Me In Spirit And In Truth!!!

Hear the heart of the Father!!! They that love Me will worship Me in Spirit and in truth!!! I am seeking worshipers that will WORSHIP ME and not the kingdoms of this world. The enemy is also seeking those that will worship him. Worship Me and not the Kingdoms of this world for they will soon come to nothing. My Kingdom will last forever and you are a part of the Kingdom of God. I am knocking at the door of hearts and doing a great housecleaning. Mans hearts are being revealed!!! I am searching the deep recesses of the heart! I am doing a spiritual housecleaning and am sweeping the house clean so that those of mine will have Me in all areas of their heart and life. It is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks.

Let Me fill you to overflowing with My Spirit and let Me drive the enemy out of your midst. Many of My children are being deceived by the enemy into thinking that I want them to have great riches in this life. I will trust those with my riches who will build My Kingdom. Seek the Kingdom of God first and all things will be added to you. Do not look to the ways of this world. I was tempted when on the and you will be tempted also. Seek My will and My ways and do not let that which glitters attract you. Be aware of those things that come on your path and test and try all things! Do not leave anything unturned but turn it over and examine that which is within. It may look good on the surface but inside it may be filthy. Judge righteous judgement! Seek My Kingdom first and do not be entangled with the affairs of this life. Seek My will and ways first and all things will be added for you to build My Kingdom. Build My Kingdom.

1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”
4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”
5 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written:

‘ He shall give His angels charge over you,’


‘ In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.’”

7 Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the LORD your God.’”
8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
10 Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”
11 Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him. Matthew 4:1-11 (NKJV)

Kingdom Chronicles

Kingdom Chronicles

You are one in My Kingdom that will be used to write Kingdom Chronicles. It will be written by those in My Kingdom who be risk takers for the Kingdom of God. You must be one that will take steps of faith daily. You will be given increase as you take one step and then another and another. The man who steps out in faith and acts in His timing will please the Lord. Be willing, be courageous and take steps to advance the Kingdom of God. I have given you a Kingdom mindset. Be willing to sacrifice all for the cause of My Kingdom. Be willing to eat My flesh and drink My blood with the heart of one who has a burden for those in My Kingdom. A Kingdom mindset is one who is a Kingdom player. They do all for the good and advancement of the cause of Christ. They are willing to forsake all and follow Me. I am asking many of My children to be willing to pay the price and sacrifice all and follow Me. I was willing to forsake all and follow. My disciples were willing to forsake all and follow Me. Some had to leave fathers and mothers but one needs to be willing to do so if required for the Kingdoms sake. Be willing to take up your cross and follow Me. There are those that will do great exploits and write about them for the Kingdom of God. There will be those whose tongue is the pen of a ready writer. There will be those that will write a word in season to those that are weary. There are My prophets who will prophesy a thing and it will come to pass. And My precious Apostles who are going through so much because they are willing to follow Me. They have a special place in the heart of My Father. You are My precious ones who are willing to sacrifice all and follow Me. Indeed there is a cost. Be willing to pay the price. Do not hold on to that which is temporal but use all for the sake of My Kingdom. Become a Kingdom mover and a Kingdom shaker. Have a Kingdom mindset and be transformed. Indeed a transformation is taking place in My church and many are being transformed and will become Kingdom players who are willing to work in the unity of My Spirit for the betterment of the Kingdom. Arise those of you who see the light and become a Kingdom player. Sacrifice self for the glory of God. For in giving your life for My sake you will gain eternal life. Life now in the joy of serving your Lord and life eternal for serving Me and bearing fruit one hundred fold. Life now and life forever, how can you lose. Take up your cross and follow Me.

1My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psalm 45:1

I Am Raising You Up!

I Am Raising You Up!

I am taking you and raising you up and I will do the necessary work in you. Many have been raised up before My perfect timing and then cannot handle the pressures of Ministry. I am taking you and raising you up. Here a little there a little line upon line I have been teaching you the Word of God. You see your character must be fully formed before the pressures of ministry hit for they will hit when you are out there and I do not want that which you do for Me to be a stumbling block but I want to use you as one that will speak and stand as My representative to My people. You are that gift to the body and I have been building you from the inside out and you are being stabilized in all areas of your life. Just continue to come close to Me and seek Me and do not be drawn away by the flattering words of many for they will come and I have told you before about them. I am teaching you and I will be the one to raise you up. You have said that you want to be a prophet that will speak the whole counsel of God. I have heard your cry to be My prophet rather than a popular prophet and prophet of God I will grant the desire of your heart. Not many are truly willing to minister minus the limelight and you are one that is willing to do so and I will honour this. Prophet of God I hear your voice, I see your cries and know your heart and all that is within. I am raising you up. Indeed I am speaking to you and you know My voice and I am doing an even greater work in your life. Trust Me and know that I will do what is best for you and you will continue to be that willing vessel to speak My Words. Be instant in season and out for doors to open even in that area where you are for the days are coming when you will come out of your cave and speak the Word of the Lord publically. It will begin slowly and be increased in the days to come. Fear not for you will be known as a true prophet of the Lord who will speak My Words and they will not fall to the ground.

A Word For My Daughters


First let me say that I am sharing this as a mother by biblical standards. The Word says that older women are to teach the younger women and so it is with this heart that I am addressing this very sensitive topic.

4That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 5To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.Titus 2: 4-5

Being in online ministry for just over three years I have seen many photographs beside peoples name and some sites permit photos to be posted also.

The Lord is saying, women of God you are beautiful and are My daughters. As one of My daughters I would have you to dress as one of My chosen ones for this hour. You represent Me and I am your Father. I approve of you and you do not need the approval of man. God is saying that you need to dress accordingly in representing Him.

Many have posted wonderful photos of themselves and their families and they are beautiful!! There are some who have used their photos as avatars and a few are provocative in nature and we as women of God need to use wisdom in how we dress. We do not want to be a stumbling block to others. The Word says that a woman of God is to dress modestly. You need to come before the Lord and ask Him if you dress modestly or if there are some things that He would have you to change. We are in this world but not of it. Let us all come up to the standard of the Word of God and dress for our soon coming King. Pray that you would glorify the Lord in how you dress each day, dress for Him and in doing so you will be pleasing to the eye of others.

Please know my heart of love for you and that God is not finished with any of us yet. Whatever we do let us do it for His glory and draw attention to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

New Security Systems Must Be Put In Place


New Security systems must be put in place. HEAR THE ALARM that is sounding!!! Do not rely on the old way but look to the new!!! The old will always run out and need to be replaced with a new way of doing things. Often old systems have to be changed. The hour is late and you have just been notified!!! It is however not too late to fix up that which is in need of changing. Go to the source and I will you bring about all that is needed to have things run smoothly. It will cost you something for this change but be willing to pay the price for in doing so you will walk with new security and trust in Me. DELETE THE OLD and REPLACE IT WITH THE NEW WINE! I have saved the best for last. Taste and see that I am good and give liberally to all who ask of Me. I am the new wine. The old tastes the same but the best has been saved to the end and will be used to bring in the harvest. They will recognize the new wine and desire it so be willing to let your light shine before men and bring them in to My Kingdom.

10And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. John 2:10

Fresh Oil Is Being Released Now!!!


The past is dead. Do not look back but look forward! Abraham had to leave that which was comfortable and move forward and you too will need to BE DETERMINED to go ahead. Looking back is not an option for the prophet of God or for any of My creation. You are formed in the image of God and must walk as one that has been called by Me for greatness in this hour. Be fresh and vigilant for the enemy walks about like a roaring lion seeking to devour you. You need FRESH DETERMINATION to go forward and I am standing with you. Fresh courage comes from My Word and time spent with Me. Let Me rise up within you and let the flow of My Spirit propel you into all that I have for you. PRAY IN THE SPIRIT and pray with the understanding also. Pray, pray, and pray again and know that as you bombard heavens throne room you will receive answers from Me. Come aside and come into your Destiny! Come aside and do not be distracted by that which is around you. Fine tune all that is happening and even streamline things to be able to go with the flow of My Spirit. Things can be cumbersome and so streamline them. Get rid of that which is not needed and travel lightly. You will not take anything with you when you leave this earth and so be willing to put all behind you to move through the eye of the needle. I am moving you and you must be ready to move at a moment's notice. My Spirit brings spontaneity and it brings life. Go with the flow. Hear the wind of my Spirit blowing. Let it catch you up and take you to where I would have you to go. GET EXCITED AND BE READY FOR CHANGE. The wind of my Spirit refreshes and brings fresh oil and I AM RELEASING IT TO YOU NOW! You have been in need of fresh oil, receive it now and go forward with new oil in your lamp. Let it burn now for all to see. Always GUARD YOUR OIL and do not let anyone take it from you. It is available daily for all those that will take the time to fill their lamps. Come.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Major Shifts Bring Major Transformations!


Major shifts bring major transformations! I am always moving in your midst. FEAR NOT change but let it move you forward into your destiny! Many parts of My body of being shifted and moved into place so that their destinies might be fulfilled. Go with the flow of My Spirit and do not let the discomfort of this birth process deter you, but be that much more determined to HOLD STEADY during this change and your destiny will be fulfilled. Birth always brings discomfort and with it new life. What joy that new life brings when it comes into the world!!! New life always brings with it great joy! Press in though the enemy wants to use this to shake you. Do not be shaken but always be unmovable abounding in the work of the Lord. This is a time for revaluation of old ways and systems so that you might be ready for the new. Streamline the old to make way for the new. I will give you new ideas, creative ideas from heavens throne room. You are seated in heavenly places and must always operate from this position and not from anything in the second heaven. You are operating in the power of My Spirit and My Spirit always brings with it life. Pray for discernment and wisdom during this time and you will receive it for My gifts do not stop flowing because of this birthing, but should be operating and maturing daily during this time.

Distractions are many and you will need to GUARD and FORTIFY yourself against them. They come in many forms. See through My eyes and know that there are many voices crying in this hour. Discern which are God sent and those the enemy has sent along to deter you. Even activities can seem good but reevaluate them also. Prayer life and intercession must change to keep up with the new and so be flexible and willing to move in My timing. The Sons of Issachar discerned the times and you walk as one in this hour so be alert, creative and see what I will do in your midst. Resist not the change but move with it now, says the Lord.

Keep On Your Army Boots!!!


Warn My bride, warn My bride, to keep on her army boots!!! This is not the time for the wedding this is the time for doing battle! Keep on your army boots! You are My battle axe and weapon of war! Discern that which is going on in and around you and I will give you light to see and ears to hear. Hear what the Spirit is saying, to the church My beloved. I am speaking into your heart and you need to fine tune My still small voice. Settle down and take time to listen to Me! I am speaking and will reveal things to you as you ask Me. Do not perceive things by the outward appearance but BE VIGILANT also about what is happening in the lives of your brothers and sisters. DISCERN the Lords body! There are many who are battle worn and need to be uplifted. Many are wounded and need help off the battlefield for recovery. All will be recovered by listening to My still voice and supporting one another. Only then act and go into battle TOGETHER. One can put a thousand to flight and two, ten thousand so join hands together and fight with My strength, says the Lord and you will overcome and the victory will soon be won. Pray and cover one another in prayer for the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. I am returning for one bride so stand together, says the Lord.

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[c] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. Ephesians 6:10-18 (NKJV)