Sunday, October 18, 2009

Seek The Kingdom Of God First, Prophet Of God


Seek The Kingdom Of God First, Prophet Of God

I am searching the hearts of My prophets and looking for those that have clean pure hearts. It is one thing to operate the gifts of the spirit and another to have the character to hold the gift that is in you. Seek to have My character and have Christ perfected in you. You will be greatly used in these last days of time when you walk as a pure vessel before Me. It is the holy that will see the Lord and I am looking for holy vessels that will walk in honor and obey Me. Seek holiness prophet of God for without holiness no man will see Me. It all flows out of your relationship to Me. It is about relationship and fellowship with Me that the gifts of God flow in their purest form. Seek the Kingdom of God first prophet of God and all else will be added to you. I am doing a transforming work in all of My prophets and there is not one that I am not doing a deep work within. They are all being tested and tried and hearts are being searched. Rejoice as you allow Me to search your heart for out of it flow the issues of life.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:3