Do You Hear The Sound Of Rain?
A prophet spends much of His life waiting on God. Elijah had waited three long years and in the third year the Lord came to Elijah saying "Go and present yourself to meet Ahab and I will send rain on the land. Obadiah was governor in Ahab's house and knew the inner workings of this wicked king. His soul would often feel vexed as he served this ungodly king. We too as children of the King are placed in situations that are not of our own choosing yet they do work together for good the purposes of God, in our lifetime.
Obadiah hid one hundred of God's prophets to protect them from Jezebel because of his access to information in the house of Ahab. The Lord can reveal to us the plans of the enemy ahead of time that we might thwart them. Obadiah met Elijah and he was told to announce him to the king. Fear overtook this man of God after seeing the havoc against the prophets of God and so he tells him all he has done to protect the prophets. You too must guard against fear entering your heart. Prophet of God you must walk fearlessly in this hour standing against the enemy. Has fear stopped you from doing what the Lord has asked of you. Pressures cause fears to surface and you need to root fear out of your life. The fear of man brings a snare. Obadiah faced fear and we too will face it but will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
Elijah was determined and did not seem sympathetic to him. He had received the word of the Lord and was now responsible to deliver that word . He could not allow Obadiah's fear to stop him from delivering what the Lord had spoken. Has anyone keep you from obeying the voice of the Lord as they shared their fears? Guard against the transfer of fear from another.
Obadiah went to meet Ahab and soon the meeting of all meetings would take place. Ahab was now more responsive after three years of famine and went to meet Elijah still blaming him. He was being blamed for doing right. What you do will not always seem right to man but the Lord looks on your heart. We are told, it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong. Remember this when trials come.
Elijah reminded Ahab of forsaking the commandments of the Lord and following after Baalim. Other gods always bring defeat. Elijah said, have all Israel and those false prophets meet me on Mt. Caramel. Included were those that ate at Jezebels table. There are many today that eat at Jezebels table and we must learn to recognize them . We need to be on guard against Jezebel and discern his presence. We need to wage war against this spirit and win.
Elijah asked the people how long have you been between two opinions. In other words make up your mind folks and decide this day whom you are going to follow. If you are going to follow the Lord than follow Him. There are many in the church that need to get off the fence. They have been on the fence for too long with a foot in the world and one in the church. God is saying no more, it is time to make up your mind and decide to follow Jesus. The church is wondering why it has no power. Come out from them and be separate and touch not the unclean thing and the Lord will receive you. There are moments that we will be called to stand alone. Elijah was standing alone with the Lord against the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal. This battle would not be won by conventional means. He let the enemy show himself first and fail. No fire appeared under the bullock and then he mocked them about their dead god. Now the Lord would show himself strong. Fear not it may seem that the enemy has had the upper hand but the battle is not yet over. The Lord will show up and show himself strong for you. Only fear not and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart. Do not give up now! Your miracle may be just around the corner. Stand fast beloved, believe what the Lord has spoken to you and do not bow down to the enemy. What you have been praying for is just around the corner so hold fast and see the hand of the Lord move on your behalf.
The people were invited to come closer to Elijah and now had a front row seat. All eyes were on Elijah as he repaired the altar of the Lord. Honoring the Lord by building an altar in the name of the Lord was his primary thought. What has the Lord spoken to you to do to honor him? Whatever he has spoken to you to do, do it with all your heart and you will see him move on your behalf. Eyes must have raised as Elijah pour water on the sacrifice for the third time. All may seem dead around you but the Lord is going to raise those dead bones to life. Speak to the dead bones and see them come alive. Put it all on the altar to the Lord holding nothing back. Do not receive the lie of the enemy but believe the Lord desires to move on your behalf. Speak life to that which needs life in your situation. God the giver of life will show himself strong for you. Be courageous beloved and expect Him to do abundantly above all you ask or think. He is a God of miracles.
Elijah, knowing His God, came near, called out to the Lord and gave honor to Him. Give the Lord the honor due His name. He is God we are His servants, and not the other way around. Honor Him for who He is and know that we are but dust without Him.
Elijah wanting to bring glory to the Lord asked for a miracle. His desire was that they might know the Lord and that He had touched their hearts. God is looking for right motives. Let Him search your heart today. Pray, create in me a clean heart. God will do great things in the life of a man or woman that will not touch His glory. The fire of the Lord fell, the sacrifice was consumed and the people fell on their faces acknowledging that He was the Lord. We need to see signs and wonders following our ministries today. Four hundred and fifty prophets were killed that day and Elijah told Ahab get up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of rain. He heard the sound in the spirit and God would soon release the rain.
God is wanting to release the rain of His Spirit on our land. Sin has been holding back the hand of God's blessing in our lives. Let us repent of sin in our Nation and in our lives. Stand in the gap and birth the rain. See the small cloud and hear the sound. We must birth the rain and bring in a harvest of souls. These are the last days and God is wanting the latter rain to be poured out and the harvest brought in. He is no longer going to hold back His word but will perform it. Intercessors cry out and birth the rain. Elijah bowed down and interceded birthing the rain. Ask God if it is your time to birth that which He has spoken to you. Pray for your cities and towns and tear down the strongholds of the enemy. Fulfill your assignments from the Lord and receive fresh ones. You will come to a new level as you are obedient and He sees your faithfulness. It is the time of the former and latter rain. Birth the double portion. Birth it and usher in the Kingdom of the Lord. Be a part of bringing in the end time harvest. Pray for fresh vision, see the cloud, hear the rain, and pray His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
41And Elijah said to Ahab, Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of abundance of rain.
42So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he bowed himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees
43And said to his servant, Go up now, look toward the sea. And he went up and looked and said, There is nothing. Elijah said, Go again seven times.
44And at the seventh time the servant said, A cloud as small as a man's hand is arising out of the sea. And Elijah said, Go up, say to Ahab, Hitch your chariot and go down, lest the rain stop you.
45In a little while, the heavens were black with wind-swept clouds, and there was a great rain. And Ahab went to Jezreel. 1 Kings 18:41-45