Sunday, October 18, 2009

Prophetic Word For America


Prophetic Word For America

America, America,This is a calling to repentance
America. I am calling you to repent of your sins
for they are great.Repent and turn around and I
will forgive you your sins. Though they are scarlet
they shall be as white as snow. I know your heart
and what you will do, but I give you choice America.
Come now,come quickly and repent of your sin, for
America I am knocking at the door of your heart.
Your heart is lukewarm America and some of you
are cold but I am looking within to but a few
to repent. They have stood in the gap for you
America and they have wept over your sin. They
have stood and believed Me and for these I have
held back My judgments. The cup is full America
and it is time for you to turn from your wicked-

Hollywood has destroyed many and many are in
hell because of her.Pray for Hollywood to turn
from sin and repent quickly lest I come against
her with the sword. Pray and intercede faithful
ones in America. Pray for Hollywood that there is
repentance.Pray for your leaders and stand in the
gap for them for they are found wanting. Pray for
those in authority over you for they shall soon
know the folly of their ways. Their lusts have
consumed them and they do not see neither do
they know Me. Repent America, repent for I am
speaking to you.

Cease your fornication and repent lest I come with
the sword and deal with you America. I am coming
quickly for those that are mine. It is your last
call to repent. Repent now and repent quickly.