The Scarlett Thread
Learn to judge every prophecy, dream or vision by the scarlett thread. Do you see Jesus the scarlett thread woven throughout that word? There will always be that mercy and redemptive quality to words that I speak. I am there in the midst of the Word, dream or vision. It is by My Spirit that you must judge these things. There are many things being spoken today that are not of Me, says the Lord and you must learn to weigh what you see and what you hear and test it according to My Word. My Word
will always bring man to a place of repentance and even in judgment it will be tempered with that redemptive quality. The mercy of the Lord will always be there for those that are willing to repent of sin and turn to the living God. Look for the scarlett thread woven throughout and you will not be deceived.
It is when man strays from My Word as the final standard that man errs. My people are snared because they lack the knowledge of My Word. If you would study My Word and know Me then you would know that I am always willing to bring man to repentance. I am that scarlett thread the Word of God. Am I glorified in each Word, vision and dream. All are given to bring glory to the name of Jesus.
They shall testify of Me. Whatever is of Me will lead men to Christ. Follow Me.