A WORD IN SEASON ~ The Greater Works
by Patricia Hamel ~ November 13, 2008
You have desired to see the greater works and have not yet seen the healings and deliverance you so desire to see. I say to you, the former works have not yet taken place but the day is coming, says the Lord when you will see Me manifest in you and Christ will be formed in you. The days are coming when blind men shall see, even in the western nations and the times of great trial will turn My bride from a complacent one to one that is on fire, fervent and going about her Father's business.
Pray for the body of Christ to move from complacency, to action, to maturity. These days of great testing and trial will bring forth Christ in you and you will see those things that you have longed to see.
Contnue to believe Me and you will see the glory of God manifest in you and those of like precious faith who will be used to fight this end time battle.
My glory will not be given to another but will live in you and move through you to bring others into Kingdom alignment and greater exploits they shall do in My name. Prepare and be ready for the influx of souls into My Kingdom for they shall need to be nutured and fed the milk of the word but then they shall grow and be able to receive the meat of My Word and it will be given out and reproduced in others. It is Christ in you the hope of glory that will be seen in My end time army. Cry out, Lord Jesus come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12